Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food and Public Distribution - Department of Food and Public Distribution

Aspect : Publication Date :

S.No. IS Number IS Title Sectional Committee Revision Number Category Document Comment
1 IS 1011 : 2002 Biscuits - Specification (Fourth Revision) FAD 24 4 Product Specification  Download
2 IS 6028 : 2002 Green bananas - Guide to storage and transport (Second Revision) FAD 10 2 Code of Practice  Buy
3 IS 6669 : 2001 Apples - Guide to cold storage (First Revision) FAD 10 1 Code of Practice  Buy
4 IS 7252 : 2013 Fruits and vegetables - Physical conditions in cold stores - Definitions and measurement (First Revision) FAD 10 1 Code of Practice  Buy
5 IS 2404 : 1993 Malt extract - Specification (Second Revision) FAD 16 2 Product Specification  Download
6 IS 631 : 1979 Specification for outdoor aluminium food grain storage bins (First Revision) FAD 16 1 Product Specification  Download
7 IS 1005 : 1992 Edible maize starch (Corn Flour) - Specification (Third Revision) FAD 16 3 Product Specification  Download
8 IS 1006 : 1984 Specification for arrowroot starch (Second Revision) FAD 16 2 Product Specification  Download
9 IS 1317 : 1969 Specification for edible tapioca chips (First Revision) FAD 24 1 Product Specification  Download
10 IS 1485 : 1993 Macaroni, spaghetti, vermicelli and egg noodles - Specification (Second Revision) FAD 24 2 Product Specification  Download
11 IS 2639 : 1999 Papad - Specification (Third Revision) FAD 24 3 Product Specification  Download
12 IS 2813 : 2018 Terminology for Foodgrains ( Third Revision) FAD 16 3 Terminology  Download
13 IS 3155 : 1965 Specification for makhanna products FAD 24 Product Specification  Download
14 IS 3838 : 1966 Specification for self - Raising flour FAD 16 Product Specification  Download
15 IS 4333 : Part 2 : 2017 Methods of analysis for foodgrains: Part 2 determination of moisture content (Second Revision) FAD 16 2 Methods of tests  Buy
16 IS 4333 : Part 5 : 1970 Methods of analysis for foodgrains: Part 5 determination of uric acid FAD 16 Methods of tests  Download
17 IS 4662 : 1977 Methods for sampling of starches and starch products (First Revision) FAD 16 1 Others  Download
18 IS 4706 : Part 1 : 1978 Methods of test for edible starches and starch products: Part 1 physical methods (First Revision) FAD 16 1 Methods of tests  Download
19 IS 4706 : Part 2 : 1978 Methods of test for edible starches and starch products: Part 2 chemical methods (First Revision) FAD 16 1 Methods of tests  Download
20 IS 4875 : 1975 Specification for edible groundnut flour (Solvent Extracted) (First Revision) FAD 16 1 Product Specification  Download
21 IS 4876 : 1986 Specification for edible cottonseed flour (Solvent Extracted) (First Revision) FAD 16 1 Product Specification  Download
22 IS 4684 : 1975 Specification for edible groundnut flour (Expeller Pressed) (First Revision) FAD 16 1 Product Specification  Download
23 IS 5503 : Part 1 : 1969 General requirements for silos for grain storage: Part 1 constructional requirements FAD 16 Product Specification  Download
24 IS 5606 : 1970 Specification for steel bins for grain storage FAD 16 Product Specification  Download
25 IS 6108 : 1971 Specification for edible sesaitile flour (Solvent Extracted) FAD 16 1 Product Specification  Download
26 IS 6109 : 1971 Specification for edible sesame flour (Expeller Pressed) FAD 16 Product Specification  Download
27 IS 6151 : Part 2 : 1971 Storage management code: Part 2 general care in handling and storage of agricultural produce and inputs FAD 16 Code of Practice  Download
28 IS 6151 : Part 3 : 1976 Storage management code: Part 3 specific care in handling and storage of agricultural produce and inputs FAD 16 Code of Practice  Download
29 IS 6261 : 1971 Methods of analysis for detection of insect and rodent contamination in grains and milled products FAD 16 Methods of tests  Download
30 IS 6663 : 1972 Method for determination of angle of repose of grains FAD 16 Methods of tests  Download
31 IS 6894 : 1993 Malting barley - Specification (First Revision) FAD 16 1 Product Specification  Download
32 IS 6895 : 1973 Specification for barley malt FAD 16 Product Specification  Download
33 IS 7247 : Part 1 : 1974 Code of practice for fumigation of agricultural produce: Part 1 methyl bromide FAD 16 Code of Practice  Download
34 IS 7247 : Part 4 : 1975 Code of practice for fumigation of agricultural produce: Part 4 ethylene dichloride and carbon tetrachloride mixture FAD 16 Code of Practice  Download
35 IS 7463 : 2004 Wheat flour for use in bakery industry - Specification (Second Revision) FAD 16 2 Product Specification  Download
36 IS 7715 : 1975 Method for testing suitability of bins for safe storage of food grains FAD 16 Methods of tests  Download
37 IS 7716 : 1975 Method for testing efficacy of fumigation for disinfestation of grains in domestic bins FAD 16 Methods of tests  Download
38 IS 7835 : 2013 Edible medium - Fat soya flour - Specification (First Revision) FAD 16 1 Product Specification  Download
39 IS 7836 : 2013 Edible low - Fat soya flour - Specification (First Revision) FAD 16 Product Specification  Download
40 IS 7837 : 2013 Edible full - Fat soya flour - Specification (First Revision) FAD 16 1 Product Specification  Download
41 IS 8184 : 1976 Method for determination of ergot in foodgrains FAD 16 Methods of tests  Download
42 IS 8453 : 1977 Code of practice for construction of polyethylene embedded earthen bins for bulk storage of foodgrains FAD 16 Code of Practice  Download
43 IS 8664 : 1977 SpecificanOn for edible coconut flour (Expeller Pressed) FAD 16 Product Specification  Download
44 IS 8676 : 1977 Specification for edible coconut flour (Solvent Extracted) FAD 16 Product Specification  Download
45 IS 8677 : 1977 Specification for edible sunflower seed flour (Solvent Extracted) FAD 16 Product Specification  Download
46 IS 8972 : 1978 Determination of coefficient of friction of foodgrains FAD 16 Methods of tests  Download
47 IS 75 : 1973 Specification for linseed oil, raw and refined (Second Revision) FAD 13 2 Product Specification  Download
48 IS 435 : 1973 Specification for castor oil (Second Revision) FAD 13 2 Product Specification  Download
49 IS 544 : 2014 Groundnut oil - Specification (Third Revision) FAD 13 3 Product Specification  Download
50 IS 545 : 1984 Specification for mahua oil (Third Revision) FAD 13 3 Product Specification  Download
51 IS 546 : 2014 Mustard oil - Specification (Third Revision) FAD 13 3 Product Specification  Download
52 IS 548 : Part 2 : 1976 Methods of sampling and test for oils and fats: Part 2 purity test (Third Revision) FAD 13 3 Methods of tests  Download
53 IS 548 : Part 2 : Sec 9 : 1988 Methods of sampling and test for oil sand fats: Part 2 purity tests section 9 test for presence of karanja (pungam) oil in other oils (Fourth Revision) FAD 13 4 Methods of tests  Download
54 IS 548 : Part 2 : Sec 20 : 1983 Methods of sampling and tests for oils and fats: Part 2 purity tests: Sec 20 test for detection of taramira oil in mustard FAD 13 Methods of tests  Download
55 IS 548 : Part 2 : Sec 21 : 1988 Methods of sampling and tests for oils and fats: Part 2 purity tests: Sec 21 test for detection of animal fat in vegetable oils and fats and vlcHersa by GLC (Fourth Revision) FAD 13 4 Methods of tests  Download
56 IS 548 : Part 2 : Sec 22 : 1993 Methods of sampling and test for oils and fats: Part 2 purity test: Sec 22 detection of tricresyl phosphate in edible oil FAD 13 Methods of tests  Download
57 IS 9027 : 1978 Method for determination of thermal conductivity of foodgrains FAD 16 Methods of tests  Download
58 IS 9039 : 1979 Specification for edible sunflower seed grits FAD 16 Product Specification  Download
59 IS 9130 : 1979 Specification for edible spray dried potato flour FAD 16 Product Specification  Download
60 IS 595 : 1954 Specification for blown rape (Or Mustard) oil for use in lubricants FAD 13 Product Specification  Download
61 IS 9215 : 1979 Specification for outdoor steel bins for foodgrain storage FAD 16 Product Specification  Download
62 IS 887 : 1977 Specification for animal tallow (Second Revision) FAD 13 2 Methods of tests  Download
63 IS 1675 : 1971 Specification for stearic acid, technical (First Revision) FAD 13 1 Product Specification  Download
64 IS 9629 : 2004 Maize atta, maize maida and maize suji - Specification (First Revision) FAD 16 1 Product Specification  Download
65 IS 10065 : 1981 Specification for roasted groundnut (Peanut) kernels FAD 16 Product Specification  Download
66 IS 10597 : 1983 Specification for soluble starch phosphate (Edible Grade) FAD 16 Product Specification  Download
67 IS 10698 : 1983 Method for determination of thermal diffusivity of foodgrains FAD 16 Methods of tests  Download
68 IS 10699 : 1983 Method for determination of specific heat of foodgrains FAD 16 Methods of tests  Download
69 IS 1676 : 1960 Specification for oleic acid, technical FAD 13 Product Specification  Download
70 IS 1780 : 1961 Specification for vegetable tallow FAD 13 Product Specification  Download
71 IS 3448 : 2014 Rice bran oil - Specification (Third Revision) FAD 13 3 Product Specification  Download
72 IS 10768 : 1984 Method of test for quality characteristics of pulses FAD 16 Methods of tests  Download
73 IS 10769 : 1984 Specification for Wheat porridge FAD 16 Product Specification  Download
74 IS 10770 : 1984 Specification for beaten rice FAD 16 Product Specification  Download
75 IS 10900 : 1984 Specificatjon for fortified barley powder FAD 16 Product Specification  Download
76 IS 10903 : 1984 Specification for paushtik barley powder FAD 16 Product Specification  Download
77 IS 3492 : 1965 Specification for karanja oil FAD 13 Product Specification  Download
78 IS 11261 : Part 1 : 1985 Method for assessment of post - Harvest grain losses by rodents: Part 1 general considerations, direct measurement techniques and biological aspects of survey procedures FAD 16 Methods of tests  Download
79 IS 11261 : Part 2 : 1985 Method for assessment of post - Harvest grain losses by rodents: Part 2 loss determination by population assessment and estimation procedures FAD 16 Methods of tests  Download
80 IS 3579 : 1966 Methods of test for oilseeds FAD 13 Methods of tests  Download
81 IS 11396 : 1985 Test methods for determination of storability (Safe Storage Life) of foodgrains FAD 16 Methods of tests  Download
82 IS 11454 : 1985 Method for measurement of carbon dioxide in the intergranular atmosphere FAD 16 Methods of tests  Download
83 IS 11535 : 1986 Method of test for determination of glycosidic hydrocyanic acid in pulses (ISO Title : pulses - Determination of glycosidic hydrocyanic Acid) FAD 16 Methods of tests  Buy
84 IS 11581 : 1986 Specification for edible cottonseed flour prepared by liquid cyclone process FAD 16 Product Specification  Download
85 IS 11816 : Part 1 : 2010 Storage of cereals and pulses: Part 1 general recommendations for the keeping of cereals (First Revision) FAD 16 1 Code of Practice  Buy
86 IS 11816 : PART 2 : 2009 Storage of cereals and pulses: Part 2 practical recommendations (First Revision) FAD 16 1 Code of Practice  Download
87 IS 12529 : 1988 Storage of foodgrains - Storage losses by insects - Methods for estimation FAD 16 Methods of tests  Download
88 IS 13046 : 1991 Sweet potato flour - Specification FAD 16 Product Specification  Download
89 IS 4088 : 1966 Specification for kusum oil FAD 13 Product Specification  Download
90 IS 4115 : 1967 Methods for sampling of oil seeds FAD 13 Methods of tests  Download
91 IS 4276 : 2014 Soybean oil - Specification (Second Revision) FAD 13 2 Product Specification  Download
92 IS 4277 : 2014 Sunflower oil - Specification (Second Revision) FAD 13 2 Product Specification  Download
93 IS 14818 : 2017 Cereal and cereal products sampling (First Revision) FAD 16 1 Others  Buy
94 IS 4765 : 1975 Specification for neem kernel oil and depulped neem seed oil (First Revision) FAD 13 1 Product Specification  Download
95 IS 5614 : 1980 Specification for tobacco - seed oil (First Revision) FAD 13 1 Product Specification  Download
96 IS 5637 : 1970 Specification for watermelon seed oil FAD 13 Product Specification  Download
97 IS 5638 : 1970 Specification for acid oil (Cottonseed And Groundnut) FAD 13 Product Specification  Download
98 IS 5686 : 1970 Code of practice for handling and storage of oilseeds FAD 13 Code of Practice  Download
99 IS 7375 : 1979 Specification for salseed fat (First Revision) FAD 13 1 Product Specification  Download
100 IS 8361 : 2014 Palmolein - Specification (First Revision) FAD 13 1 Product Specification  Download
101 IS 8591 : 1980 Specification for kokum fat (First Revision) FAD 13 1 Product Specification  Download
102 IS 8879 : 1980 Specification for dhupa fat (First Revision) FAD 13 1 Product Specification  Download
103 IS 8881 : 1978 Specification for khakan fat FAD 13 Product Specification  Download
104 IS 8896 : 1978 Specification for nahor oil FAD 13 Product Specification  Download
105 IS 9037 : 1979 Specification for peanut butter FAD 13 Product Specification  Download
106 IS 9231 : 1979 Specification for mango kernel fat FAD 13 Product Specification  Download
107 IS 9232 : 1979 Indian standard specification for ambadi oil FAD 13 Product Specification  Download
108 IS 9587 : 1980 Specification for tamarind kernel oil FAD 13 Product Specification  Download
109 IS 9955 : 1981 Specification for rubber seed oil FAD 13 Product Specification  Download
110 IS 9956 : 1981 Specification for palas oil FAD 13 Product Specification  Download
111 IS 9957 : 1981 Specification for undi oil FAD 13 Product Specification  Download
112 IS 10634 : 1986 Specification for bakery shortening (First Revision) FAD 13 1 Product Specification  Download
113 IS 10932 : 1984 Specification for palmitic acid FAD 13 Product Specification  Download
114 IS 10933 : 1984 Specification for myristic acid FAD 13 Product Specification  Download
115 IS 11068 : 1984 Criteria for edibility of oils and fats FAD 13 Others  Download
116 IS 11069 : 2018 Refined, bleached, hydrogenated, winterized and deodorized (RBHWD) soybean oil - Specification (First Revision) FAD 13 1 Product Specification  Download
117 IS 11476 : 1985 Glossary of terms relating to oils and fats FAD 13 Terminology  Download
118 IS 11674 : 1986 Method for determination of residual solvesnt in oilseed flour and meals by modified pensky - Martens closed tester FAD 13 Methods of tests  Download
119 IS 12068 : 1987 Specification for rice bran fatty acids FAD 13 Product Specification  Download
120 IS 12451 : 1988 Specification for margarine FAD 13 Product Specification  Download
121 IS 12983 : 1990 Oilseed residues - Determination of total resioual hexane FAD 13 Methods of tests  Buy
122 IS 13037 : 1991 Chilliseed oil - Specification FAD 13 Product Specification  Download
123 IS 13168 : 1991 Tomato seed oil - Specification FAD 13 Product Specification  Download
124 IS 13660 : 1993 Muskmelon seed oil - Specification FAD 13 Product Specification  Download
125 IS 13661 : 1993 Ratanjyot oil - Specification FAD 13 Product Specification  Download
126 IS 13679 : 1993 Okra seed oil - Specification FAD 13 Product Specification  Download
127 IS 14309 : 1995 Blended edible vegetable oils specification FAD 13 Product Specification  Download
128 IS 7607 : Part 3 : 1975 Code of practice for keeping dairy accounts: Part 3 product plants FAD 19 Code of Practice  Download
129 IS 7260 : 2024 Ethyl Ester of Beta-Apo-8’-Carotenoic Acid, Food Grade — Specification (First Revision) FAD 8 1 Product Specification  Download
130 IS 6399 : 2023 Construction of coffee seed storage structures - Code of practice (first revision) FAD 6 1 Code of Practice  Download
131 IS 8639 : 1977 Code for evaluation of the effect of packaging and storage on the sensory qualities of foods and beverages FAD 28 Code of Practice  Download
133 IS 14887 : 2014 Textiles - High density polyethylene (HDPE)/polypropylene (PP) woven sacks for packaging of 50 kg food grains - Specification (first revision) TXD 23 1 Product Specification  Download
134 IS 14968 : 2015 Textiles - High density polyethylene (HDPE)/polypropylene (PP) woven sacks for packing 50 Kg/25 kg sugar - Specification (first revision) TXD 23 1 Product Specification  Download
135 IS 16287 : 2015 Foodstuffs - Determination of aflatoxin B1 , and the total content of aflatoxins B1 , B2 , G1 and G2 in cereals, nuts and derived products - High performance liquid chromatographic method FAD 16 Methods of tests  Buy
136 IS 7219 : 1973 Method for determination of protein in foods and feeds FAD 28 Methods of tests  Download
137 IS 7234 : 1974 Method for estimation of folic acid in foodstuffs FAD 28 Methods of tests  Download
138 IS 7481 : 1974 Method for determination of protein efficiency ratio (Per) FAD 28 Methods of tests  Download
139 IS 7529 : 1975 Method for estimation of vitamin B 12 in foodstuffs FAD 28 Methods of tests  Download
140 IS 7530 : 1975 Method for estimation of pyridoxine (Vitamin B6) in foodstuffs FAD 28 Methods of tests  Download
141 IS 7815 : 1975 Method for estimation of amino acids in food FAD 28 Methods of tests  Download
142 IS 8168 : 1976 Method for determination of available lysine in foods FAD 28 Methods of tests  Download
143 IS 16734 : 2018 Demerara sugar - Specification FAD 2 Product Specification  Download
144 IS 16058 : 2024 Dunnage pallets made from recycled packaging wastes for warehousing application - Specification (First Revision) TED 24 1 Product Specification  Download
145 IS 4333 : Part 4 : 2017 Methods of analysis for foodgrains: Part 4 determination of the mass of 1000 grains (Second Revision) FAD 16 2 Methods of tests  Buy
146 IS 6450 : 1971 Specification for rubbers for the dairy industry PCD 13 Product Specification  Download
147 IS 10130 : 1992 Vulcanized vegetableoils (Factice) for rubber industry - Specification (First Revision) PCD 13 1 Product Specification  Download
148 IS 1758 : 1986 Specification for jute batching oil (Second Revision) PCD 25 2 Product Specification  Download
149 IS 11352 : 2018 Flexible pouches for the packing of vanaspati up to 2 kg or 2 litres - Specification (Third Revision) PCD 21 3 Product Specification  Download
150 IS 11584 : 1986 Specification for high density polyethylene (HDPE) crates for milk satchets PCD 21 Product Specification  Download
151 IS 11805 : 2007 Polyethylene pouches for packaging liquid milk - Specification (Second Revision) PCD 21 2 Product Specification  Download
152 IS 12724 : 2004 Flexible pouches for packing of refined edible oils up to 5 kg or 5 litre - Specification (First Revision) PCD 21 1 Product Specification  Download
153 IS 12883 : 1989 Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) bottles for edible oils - Specification PCD 21 Product Specification  Download
154 IS 14764 : 2000 Polyethylene terephthalate (PET) containers for packaging of vanaspati - specification PCD 21 Product Specification  Download
155 IS 498 : 2018 Grading for vacuum pan (Plantation White And Refined) sugar (Sixth Revision) FAD 2 6 Product Specification  Download
156 IS 873 : 1974 Specification for liquid glucose (First Revision) FAD 16 1 Product Specification  Download
157 IS 874 : 1992 Dextrose monohydrate - Specification (Third Revision) FAD 16 3 Product Specification  Download
158 IS 1151 : 2021 Refined sugar - Specification Second Revision FAD 2 3 Product Specification  Download
159 IS 5975 : 2020 Raw Sugar — Specification ( Second Revision ) FAD 2 2 Product Specification  Download
160 IS 7424 : 2019 Photoelectric Reflectance Method for Measurement of Whiteness of Plantation White Sugar in Solid State ( Second Revision ) FAD 2 2 Product Specification  Download
161 IS 8847 : 1978 Specification for dried glucose syrup FAD 16 Product Specification  Download
162 IS 11201 : 2018 Cane crushing rollers for sugar industry - Specification (First Revision) FAD 2 1 Product Specification  Download
163 IS 12923 : 1990 Cane gur (Jaggery) - Specification FAD 2 Product Specification  Download
164 IS 13953 : 1994 Khandsari - Specification FAD 2 Product Specification  Download
165 IS 14667 : 2018 Conveyor chains and slats used in sugar industry - Specification (First Revision) FAD 2 1 Product Specification  Download
166 IS 16056 : 2013 Liquid sugar - Specification FAD 2 Product Specification  Download
167 IS 13649 : 1993 Textiles - polyethylene lined jute bags for packing tea - specification TXD 3 Product Specification  Download
168 IS 15138 : 2010 Textiles – Jute bags for packing 50 kg sugar – Specification (first revision) TXD 3 Product Specification  Download
169 IS 1943 : 1995 Textiles - A-twill jute bags - specification (second revision) TXD 3 2 Product Specification  Download
170 IS 2566 : 1993 Textiles – B-twill jute bags for packing foodgrains – Specification (third revision) TXD 3 3 Product Specification  Download
171 IS 1694 : 2024 Tartrazine, food grade - Specification (Third Revision) FAD 8 3 Product Specification  Download
172 IS 1695 : 2024 Sunset yellow FCF, food grade - Specification (Fourth Revision) FAD 8 4 Product Specification  Download
173 IS 1697 : 2024 Erythrosine, food grade - Specification (Third Revision) FAD 8 3 Product Specification  Download
174 IS 1698 : 2024 Indigo carmine, food grade - Specification (Third Revision) FAD 8 3 Product Specification  Download
175 IS 2558 : 2024 Ponceau 4R, food grade - Specification (Third Revision) FAD 8 3 Product Specification  Download
176 IS 2923 : 2024 Carmoisine, food grade - Specification (Third Revision) FAD 8 3 Product Specification  Download
177 IS 3827 : 2008 Riboflavin, food grade - Specification (First Revision) FAD 8 1 Product Specification  Download
178 IS 3841 : 2008 ß - Carotene, Food Grade - Specification (First Revision) FAD 8 1 Product Specification  Download
179 IS 4446 : Part 1 : 2008 Chlorophyll, food grade - Specification: Part 1 magnesium complex (Second Revision) FAD 8 2 Product Specification  Download
180 IS 4447 : 1994 Sodium benzoate, food grade - Specification (First Revision) FAD 8 1 Product Specification  Download
181 IS 4752 : 1994 Sodium metabisulphite, food grade - Specification (First Revision) FAD 8 1 Product Specification  Download
182 IS 4753 : 2008 Potassium nitrate, food grade - Specification (Second Revision) FAD 8 2 Product Specification  Download
183 IS 4818 : 1996 Sorbicacid, food grade - Specification (First Revision) FAD 8 1 Product Specification  Download
184 IS 5055 : 1996 Lecithin, food grade - Specification (First Revision) FAD 8 1 Product Specification  Download
185 IS 5057 : 1997 Potassium nitrite, food grade - Specification (First Revision) FAD 8 1 Product Specification  Download
186 IS 5058 : 1996 Sodium citrate, food grade - Specification (First Revision) FAD 8 1 Product Specification  Download
187 IS 5191 : 1993 Sodium alginate,food grade specification (First Revision) FAD 8 1 Product Specification  Download
188 IS 5306 : 1996 Sodium carboxymethyl cellulose, food grade - Specification (Second Revision) FAD 8 2 Product Specification  Download
189 IS 5342 : 1996 Ascorbic acid, food grade - Specification (First Revision) FAD 8 1 Product Specification  Download
190 IS 5343 : 1996 Butylated hydroxyanisole, food grade - Specification (First Revision) FAD 8 1 Product Specification  Download
191 IS 5345 : 1996 Sodium saccharin, food grade - Specification (Second Revision) FAD 8 2 Product Specification  Download
192 IS 5346 : 1994 Synthetic food colour - Preparations and mixtures - Specification (Second Revision) FAD 8 2 Product Specification  Download
193 IS 5707 : 1996 Agar, food grade - Specification (First Revision) FAD 8 1 Product Specification  Download
194 IS 5709 : 1997 Calcium saccharin, food grade - Specification (Second Revision) FAD 8 2 Product Specification  Download
195 IS 6022 : 2024 Fast Green FCF, Food Grade — Specification (Third Revision) FAD 8 3 Product Specification  Download
196 IS 6386 : 2024 Beta-Apo-8’-Carotenal, Food Grade — Specification (First Revision) FAD 8 1 Product Specification  Download
197 IS 6405 : 2024 Canthaxanthine, Food Grade - Specification (First Revision) FAD 8 1 Product Specification  Download
198 IS 6406 : 2024 Brilliant blue FCF, food grade - Specification (Third Revision) FAD 8 3 Product Specification  Download
199 IS 6797 : 2024 Methyl Ester of Beta-Apo-8’-Carotenoic Acid, Food Grade — Specification (First Revision) FAD 8 1 Product Specification  Download
200 IS 594 : 2024 Common Salt for Fish Curing — Specification (Third Revision) FAD 8 3 Product Specification  Download
201 IS 17112 : Part 1 : 2019 Microbiology of the food chain - Horizontal method for the detection and enumeration of enterobacteriaceae: Part 1 detection of enterobacteriacea FAD 31 Methods of tests  Buy
202 IS 8222 : 1976 Specification for edible leaf protein concentrate FAD 24 Product Specification  Download
203 IS 9038 : 1979 Specification for reconstitutable protein beverage food FAD 24 Product Specification  Download
204 IS 7482 : 1989 Protein - Based beverages - Specification (First Revision) FAD 24 1 Product Specification  Download
205 IS 1199 : Part 5 : 2018 Fresh Concrete - Methods of Sampling, Testing and Analysis: Part 5 Making and Curing of Test Specimens ( First Revision ) CED 2 Methods of tests  Buy
206 IS 1008 : 2004 Sugar boiled confectionery - Specification (Second Revision) FAD 24 2 Product Specification  Download
207 IS 10038 : 1981 Specification for textured plant protein foods prepared by extrusion cooking FAD 24 Product Specification  Download
208 IS 10226 : Part 1 : 1982 Method for determination of crude fibre content in - food products: Part 1 general method FAD 28 Methods of tests  Buy
209 IS 10226 : Part 2 : 1982 Method for determination of crude fibre content in food products: Part 2 modified scharrer method FAD 28 Methods of tests  Download
210 IS 10619 : 1983 Specification for seasoned, spiced and sweetened cashewnuts FAD 24 Product Specification  Download
211 IS 10621 : 1983 Specification for jelebi mix FAD 24 Product Specification  Download
212 IS 11062 : 2019 Method for estimation of total dietary fibre in foodstuffs (First Revision) FAD 28 1 Methods of tests  Download
213 IS 11231 : 1985 Specification for milk bread FAD 24 Product Specification  Download
214 IS 1158 : 1973 Specification for corn flakes (First Revision) FAD 24 1 Product Specification  Download
215 IS 12220 : 1987 Specification for ready gulab jamun mix FAD 24 Product Specification  Download
216 IS 12230 : 1987 Specification for sandwich bread moulds FAD 24 Product Specification  Download
217 IS 12516 : Part 3 : 1988 Method for determination of physical characteristics of doughs made from wheat flour: Part 3 water absorption and rheolog properties using a valorigraph FAD 24 Methods of tests  Buy
218 IS 12516 : Part 4 : 1996 Method for determination of physical characteristics of doughs made from wheat flour: Part 4 rheological properties using an alveograph (First Revision) FAD 24 1 Methods of tests  Buy
219 IS 12564 : 1989 Fried jack fruit chips - Specification FAD 24 Product Specification  Download
220 IS 12566 : 1989 Ready-to-eat extruded snacks - Specification FAD 24 Product Specification  Download
221 IS 12569 : 1989 Potato french fries - Specification FAD 24 Product Specification  Download
222 IS 12574 : 1989 Fried banana chips - Specification FAD 24 Product Specification  Download
223 IS 12575 : 2010 Fried potato chips - Specification (First Revision) FAD 24 Product Specification  Download
224 IS 12711 : 1989 Bakery products - Methods of analysis FAD 24 Methods of tests  Download
225 IS 12741 : 1989 Bakery products - Methods of sampling FAD 24 Methods of tests  Download
226 IS 12895 : 1990 Alga spirulina, food grade - Specification FAD 24 Product Specification  Download
227 IS 1319 : 1983 Specification for edible tapioca starch (Second Revision) FAD 16 2 Product Specification  Download
228 IS 1320 : 1988 Baker's Yeast FAD 24 3 Product Specification  Download
229 IS 13264 : 1991 Ready khichdi mix - Specification FAD 24 Product Specification  Download
230 IS 13265 : 1991 Ready vegetable pulav mix specification FAD 24 Product Specification  Download
231 IS 13266 : 1991 Instant curried dal mix - Specification FAD 24 Product Specification  Download
232 IS 13267 : 1991 Ready suji - Halwa mix - Specification FAD 24 Product Specification  Download
233 IS 13285 : 1992 Guidelines for addition of essential nutrients to food FAD 24 Code of Practice  Download
234 IS 13354 : 1992 Ready upma mix - Specification FAD 24 Product Specification  Download
235 IS 14366 : 1996 Food processing machinery - Dough mixers - Safety and hygiene requirements FAD 24 Product Specification  Download
236 IS 14367 : 1996 Food processing machinery - Planetary mixers - Safety and hygiene requirements FAD 24 Product Specification  Download
237 IS 1483 : 1988 Specification for white bread (Third Revision) FAD 24 3 Product Specification  Download
238 IS 1484 : 1974 Specification for rolled oats (Quick - Cooking Type) (First Revision) FAD 24 1 Product Specification  Download
239 IS 15271 : 2003 Namkeen - Specification FAD 24 Product Specification  Download
240 IS 1668 : 1975 Specification for lozenges (Second Revision) FAD 24 2 Product Specification  Download
241 IS 1960 : 1979 Specification for wheatmeal bread (Second Revision) FAD 24 2 Product Specification  Download
242 IS 2397 : 1988 Specification for wafers (Second Revision) FAD 24 2 Product Specification  Download
243 IS 2650 : 1975 Specification for bombay halwa (First Revision) FAD 24 1 Product Specification  Download
244 IS 3137 : 1974 Specification for high-protein mixes for use as food supplements (First Revision) FAD 24 1 Product Specification  Download
245 IS 3839 : 1989 Food yeast - Specification (First Revision) FAD 24 1 Product Specification  Download
246 IS 6287 : 1985 Methods of sampling and analysis for sugar confectionery (First Revision) FAD 24 1 Methods of tests  Download
247 IS 6360 : 1971 Specification for lacto bonbon FAD 24 Product Specification  Download
248 IS 7021 : 2017 Protein - Rich food supplements for infants and pre - School children - Specification (First Revision) FAD 24 1 Product Specification  Download
249 IS 8555 : 1988 Specification for bread rusks (First Revision) FAD 24 1 Product Specification  Download
250 IS 8556 : 1988 Specification for bun (First Revision) FAD 24 1 Product Specification  Download
251 IS 8665 : 1977 Specification for protein - Fortified bread FAD 24 Product Specification  Download
252 IS 8678 : 1977 Specification for vegetable protein - Based yoghurt (Vegetable Curds) FAD 16 Product Specification  Download
253 IS 9216 : 1992 Nutrition and nutritious foods glossary of terms (First Revision) FAD 24 1 Terminology  Download
254 IS 9328 : 1989 Confectionery industry glossary of terms (First Revision) FAD 24 1 Terminology  Download
255 IS 9373 : 1979 Glossary of terms relating to bakery industry FAD 24 Terminology  Download
256 IS 9487 : 1980 Specification for `Ready-to-eat' Protein-rich Extruded Foods FAD 24 Product Specification  Download
257 IS 9488 : 1980 Specification for edible coconut protein concentrates FAD 24 Product Specification  Download
258 IS 9712 : 1981 Specification for cakes FAD 24 Product Specification  Download
259 IS 9820 : 1981 Method for estimation of biotin in foodstuffs FAD 28 Methods of tests  Download
260 IS 9840 : 1981 Method for estimation of pantothenic acid in foodstuffs FAD 28 Methods of tests  Download
261 IS 7487 : 1986 Specification for protein - Enriched biscuits (First Revision) FAD 24 1 Product Specification  Download
262 IS 7592 : 1989 Peanut chikki (Candy) - Specification (First Revision) FAD 24 1 Product Specification  Download
263 IS 8211 : 1976 Specification for edible soya protein isolate FAD 24 Product Specification  Download
264 IS 8212 : 1976 Specification for edible groundnut protein isolate FAD 24 Product Specification  Download
265 IS 8220 : 1976 Specification for protein - Rich concentrated nutrient supplementary foods FAD 24 Product Specification  Download
266 IS/ISO 22005 : 2007 Traceability in the feed and food chain - General principles and basic requirements for system design and implementation FAD 15 Code of Practice  Buy
267 IS 16068 : 2013 Microbiology of food and animal feeding stuffs - Horizontal method for the enumeration of mesophilic lactic acid bacteria - Colony Count technique at 30oC FAD 31 Methods of tests  Buy
268 IS 16069 : Part 2 : 2013 Microbiology of food and animal feeding stuffs - Horizontal method for the enumeration of yeasts and moulds: Part 2 colony count technique in products with water activity less than or equal to 0.95 FAD 31 Methods of tests  Buy
269 IS 16067 : Part 1 : 2020 Microbiology of the Food Chain — Horizontal Method for the Enumeration of Beta-Glucuronidase-Positive Escherichia coli Part 1 Colony-Count Technique at 44°C Using Membranes and 5-Bromo-4-Chloro-3-Indolyl Beta-D-Glucuronide ( First Revision ) FAD 31 1 Methods of tests  Buy
270 IS 16069 : Part 1 : 2013 Microbiology of food and animal feeding stuffs - Horizontal method for the enumeration of yeasts and moulds: Part 1 colony count technique in products with water activity greater than 0.95 FAD 31 Methods of tests  Buy
271 IS 16122 : 2013 Microbiology of food and animal feeding stuffs - General requirements and guidance for microbiological examinations FAD 31 Code of Practice  Buy
272 IS 15000 : 2013 Hazard analysis and critical control point (HACCP) - Requirements for any organization in the food chain (First Revision) FAD 15 1 System Standard  Buy
273 IS 14349 : 1996 Code for hygienic conditions for edible oil and vanaspati manufacaturing units FAD 13 Code of Practice  Download
274 IS 14595 : 1998 Food hygiene - Microbiological criteria - Principles for establishment and application FAD 31 Methods of tests  Download
275 IS 15176 : 2002 Food hygiene - Microbiological risk assessment - Principles and guidelines for the conduct FAD 15 Code of Practice  Download
276 IS 7003 : 1973 Code for hygienic - Conditions for sago (Saboodana) manufacturing units FAD 16 Code of Practice  Download
277 IS 9071 : Part 1 : 1979 Code of practice for control of aflatoxin in groundnut: Part 1 harvesting, transport and storage of groundnuts FAD 13 Code of Practice  Download
278 IS 9071 : Part 2 : 1979 Code of practice for control of aflatoxin in groundnut: Part 2 plant storage and processing flour and oil FAD 13 Code of Practice  Download
279 IS 16200 : 2015 Animal and vegetable fats and oils - Determination of ultraviolet absorbance expressed as specific UV extinction FAD 13 Methods of tests  Buy
280 IS 14988 : Part 1 : 2020 Microbiology of the Food Chain — Horizontal Method for Detection and Enumeration of Listeria monocytogenes and of Listeria spp. Part 1 Detection Method ( First Revision ) FAD 31 1 Methods of tests  Buy
281 IS 14988 : Part 2 : 2020 Microbiology of the Food Chain — Horizontal Method for Detection and Enumeration of Listeria monocytogenes and of Listeria spp. Part 2 Enumeration Method ( First Revision ) FAD 31 1 Methods of tests  Buy
282 IS 16020 : 2012 Food safety management - Requirements for good hygiene practices FAD 15 Code of Practice  Download
283 IS/ISO 22000 : 2018 Food safety management systems - Requirements for any organization in the food chain (First Revision) FAD 15 1 System Standard  Buy
284 IS 2818 : 2015 Textiles � Hessian � Specification (third revision) TXD 3 Product Specification  Download
285 IS 2034 : 2012 Round open top sanitary cans for butter and cheese -- Specification (Second Revision) PGD 38 2 Product Specification  Download
286 IS 2087 : 1988 Specification for square tins for general purposes (Third Revision) PGD 38 3 Product Specification  Download
287 IS 2134 : 1981 Specification for round tins for general purposes (Second Revision) PGD 38 2 Product Specification  Download
288 IS 16372 : 2015 Textiles - Jute bags for packing up to 30 kg foodgrains - Specification TXD 3 Product Specification  Download
289 IS/ISO 13274 : 2013 Packaging Transport Packaging for Dangerous Goods Plastics Compatibility Testing for Packaging and IBCS TED 24 Methods of tests  Buy
290 IS 16186 : 2014 Textiles - Light weight jute sacking bags for packing 50 kg foodgrains - Specification TXD 3 Product Specification  Download
291 IS 16208 : 2015 Textiles - High density polyethylene (HDPE)/polypropylene (PP) woven sacks for packaging 10 kg, 15 kg, 20 kg, 25 kg and 30 kg foodgrains - Specification TXD 23 Product Specification  Download
292 IS 16424 : 2016 Microbiology of food and animal feeding stuffs - Horizontal method for the detection and enumeration of presumptive Escherichia coli - Most Probable Number technique FAD 31 Methods of tests  Buy
293 IS 16425 : 2016 Microbiology of food and animal feeding stuffs - Horizontal method for the enumeration of Clostridium perfringens - Colony Count technique FAD 31 Methods of tests  Buy
294 IS 16427 : 2016 Microbiology of food and animal feeding stuffs - Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for the detection of food - Borne pathogens - Requirements for sample preparation for qualitative detection FAD 31 Methods of tests  Buy
295 IS 16428 : 2016 Microbiology of food and animal feeding stuffs - Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for the detection of food - Borne pathogens - Requirements for amplification and detection for qualitative methods FAD 31 Methods of tests  Buy
296 IS 16432 : 2016 Microbiology of food and animal feeding stuffs - Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for the detection of food - Borne pathogens - General requirements and definitions FAD 31 Methods of tests  Buy
297 IS 16433 : 2016 Microbiology of food and animal feeding stuffs - Real - Time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for the detection of food - Borne pathogens - General requirements and definitions FAD 31 Methods of tests  Buy
298 IS 17068 : 2019 Guidelines for formulated supplementary foods for older infants and young children FAD 24 Code of Practice  Download
299 IS 1391 : Part 1 : 2023 Room Air Conditioners Specification Part 1 Unitary Air Conditioners Fourth Revision MED 3 4 Product Specification  Download
300 IS 5719 : 2017 Gelatin, food grade - Specification (Second Revision) FAD 8 2 Product Specification  Download
301 IS 6670 : 2018 Storage of potatoes - Guidelines (First Revision) FAD 10 1 Code of Practice  Download
302 IS 4333 : Part 1 : 2018 Methods of analysis for foodgrains: Part 1 refractions (Third Revision) FAD 16 3 Methods of tests  Download
303 IS 16892 : 2018 Sattu - Specification FAD 16 Product Specification  Download
304 IS 13680 : 2018 Rapeseed oil - Specification (First Revision) FAD 13 1 Product Specification  Download
305 IS 12650 : 2018 Textiles – Jute bags for packing 50 kg foodgrains – Specification (third revision) TXD 3 3 Product Specification  Download
306 IS 16980 : 2018 Microbiology of Food and Animal Feed - Preparation of Test Samples, Initial Suspension and Decimal Dilutions for Microbiological Examination - Specific Rules for the Preparation of Samples Taken at the Primary Production Stage FAD 31 Methods of tests  Buy
307 IS 16987 : 2018 Microbiology of Food and Animal Feed - Real Time Polymerase Chain Reaction ( PCR ) Based Method for the Detection of Food Borne Pathogens - Horizontal Method for the Detection of Shiga Toxin Producing Escherichia Coli ( STEC ) and the Determination of O157, O111, O26, O103 and O145 Serogroups FAD 31 Methods of tests  Buy
308 IS 17178 : 2019 Food stuffs - Determination of water activity FAD 28 Methods of tests  Buy
309 IS 12700 : 2017 Wheat, rye and their flours, durum wheat and durum wheat semolina - Determination of the falling number according to hagberg - Perten (Second Revision) FAD 16 Methods of tests  Buy
310 IS 16309 : Part 3 : 2017 Wheat and wheat flour - Gluten content: Part 3 determination of dry gluten from wet gluten by an oven drying method FAD 16 Methods of tests  Buy
311 IS 16309 : Part 4 : 2017 Wheat and wheat flour - Gluten content: Part 4 determination of dry gluten from wet gluten by a rapid drying metho FAD 16 Methods of tests  Buy
312 IS 16489 : 2018 Soymilk (Non - Dairy Product) - Specification FAD 16 Product Specification  Download
313 IS 16519 : 2019 Jowar - Specification FAD 16 Product Specification  Download
314 IS 542 : 2018 Coconut oil - Specification (Third Revision) FAD 13 3 Product Specification  Download
315 IS 543 : 2018 Cottonseed oil - Specification (Third Revision) FAD 13 3 Product Specification  Download
316 IS 547 : 2018 Sesame oil - Specification (Third Revision) FAD 13 3 Product Specification  Download
317 IS 3490 : 2018 Nigerseed Oil - Specification (First Revision) FAD 13 1 Product Specification  Download
318 IS 3491 : 2018 Safflower seed oil - Specification (First Revision) FAD 13 1 Product Specification  Download
319 IS 4055 : 2018 Maize (Corn) oil - Specification (First Revision) FAD 13 1 Product Specification  Download
320 IS 8323 : 2018 Palm oil - Specification (First Revision) FAD 13 1 Product Specification  Download
321 IS 10633 : 2017 Vanaspati - Specification (Third Revision) FAD 13 3 Product Specification  Download
322 IS 16311 : 2018 Olive oil - Specification FAD 13 Product Specification  Download
323 IS 16426 : 2017 Microbiology of food and animal feeding stuffs - Horizontal method for the detection of Escherichia coli O157 FAD 31 Methods of tests  Buy
324 IS 16429 : 2018 Microbiology of food and animal feeding stuffs - Horizontal method for the detection of Shigella spp. FAD 31 Methods of tests  Buy
325 IS 16431 : 2018 Microbiology of food and animal feeding stuffs - Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for the detection and quantification of food - Borne pathogens - Performance characteristics FAD 31 Methods of tests  Buy
326 IS 16434 : 2018 Microbiology of food and animal feeding stuffs - Horizontal method for the determination of low numbers of presumptive bacillus cereus - Most probable number technique and detection method FAD 31 Methods of tests  Buy
327 IS 1199 : Part 6 : 2018 Fresh Concrete - Methods of Sampling, Testing and Analysis: Part 6 Tests on Fresh Self Compacting Concrete ( First Revision ) CED 2 Methods of tests  Download
328 IS 1199 : Part 7 : 2018 Fresh Concrete - Methods of Sampling, Testing and Analysis: Part 7 Determination of Setting Time of Concrete by Penetration Resistance ( First Revision ) CED 2 Methods of tests  Download
329 IS 516 : Part 4 : 2018 Hardened Concrete - Methods of Test: Part 4 Sampling, Preparing and Testing of Concrete Cores ( First Revision ) CED 2 Methods of tests  Buy
330 IS 17385 : 2020 Microbiology of the Food Chain - Specific Requirements and Guidance for Proficiency Testing by Interlaboratory Comparison FAD 31 Methods of tests  Buy
332 IS/ISO 17480 : 2015 Packaging — Accessible Design — Ease of Opening TED 24 Code of Practice  Buy
335 IS 17854 : 2022 EQUIPMENT FOR MANUFACTURE OF FORTIFIED RICE - SPECIFICATION FAD 20 Product Specification  Download
336 IS/ISO 23412 : 2020 Indirect temperature-controlled refrigerated delivery services Land transport of parcels with intermediate transfer SSD 1 Service Specification  Buy