Reaffirmed Standards : FAD 13

S.No. IS Number IS Title Reaffirmation Year Category Document Comment
1 IS 1035 : 1972 Methods of sampling and test for bleaching earths (Second Revision) 2020 Methods of tests  Download
2 IS 10633 : 2017 Vanaspati - Specification (Third Revision) 2022 Product Specification  Download
3 IS 10634 : 1986 Specification for bakery shortening (First Revision) 2022 Product Specification  Download
4 IS 10932 : 1984 Specification for palmitic acid 2020 Product Specification  Download
5 IS 10933 : 1984 Specification for myristic acid 2020 Product Specification  Download
6 IS 11068 : 1984 Criteria for edibility of oils and fats 2020 Others  Download
7 IS 11069 : 2018 Refined, bleached, hydrogenated, winterized and deodorized (RBHWD) soybean oil - Specification (First Revision) 2022 Product Specification  Download
8 IS 11476 : 1985 Glossary of terms relating to oils and fats 2020 Terminology  Download
9 IS 11674 : 1986 Method for determination of residual solvesnt in oilseed flour and meals by modified pensky - Martens closed tester 2020 Methods of tests  Download
10 IS 12047 : 1987 Specification for Oil Seed Cookers / kettles, Horizontal Type 2020 Product Specification  Download
11 IS 12068 : 1987 Specification for rice bran fatty acids 2022 Product Specification  Download
12 IS 12451 : 1988 Specification for margarine 2022 Product Specification  Download
13 IS 12983 : 1990 Oilseed residues - Determination of total resioual hexane 2022 Methods of tests  Buy
14 IS 13037 : 1991 Chilliseed oil - Specification 2022 Product Specification  Download
15 IS 13168 : 1991 Tomato seed oil - Specification 2022 Product Specification  Download
16 IS 13660 : 1993 Muskmelon seed oil - Specification 2022 Product Specification  Download
17 IS 13661 : 1993 Ratanjyot oil - Specification 2022 Product Specification  Download
18 IS 13679 : 1993 Okra seed oil - Specification 2022 Product Specification  Download
19 IS 13680 : 2018 Rapeseed oil - Specification (First Revision) 2023 Product Specification  Download
20 IS 13794 : 1993 Oilseeds Milling Machinery - Power Ghanies Portable - Specification 2020 Product Specification  Download
21 IS 14309 : 1995 Blended edible vegetable oils specification 2020 Product Specification  Download
22 IS 14349 : 1996 Code for hygienic conditions for edible oil and vanaspati manufacaturing units 2022 Code of Practice  Download
23 IS 16200 : 2015 Animal and vegetable fats and oils - Determination of ultraviolet absorbance expressed as specific UV extinction 2020 Methods of tests  Buy
24 IS 16311 : 2018 Olive oil - Specification 2023 Product Specification  Download
25 IS 1675 : 1971 Specification for stearic acid, technical (First Revision) 2022 Product Specification  Download
26 IS 1676 : 1960 Specification for oleic acid, technical 2022 Product Specification  Download
27 IS 1780 : 1961 Specification for vegetable tallow 2020 Product Specification  Download
28 IS 1965 : 1972 Specification for bleaching earths of indian origin used for bleaching vegetable oils (First Revision) 2022 Product Specification  Download
29 IS 3448 : 2014 Rice bran oil - Specification (Third Revision) 2019 Product Specification  Download
30 IS 3490 : 2018 Nigerseed Oil - Specification (First Revision) 2023 Product Specification  Download
31 IS 3491 : 2018 Safflower seed oil - Specification (First Revision) 2023 Product Specification  Download
32 IS 3492 : 1965 Specification for karanja oil 2022 Product Specification  Download
33 IS 3579 : 1966 Methods of test for oilseeds 2020 Methods of tests  Download
34 IS 4055 : 2018 Maize (Corn) oil - Specification (First Revision) 2023 Product Specification  Download
35 IS 4088 : 1966 Specification for kusum oil 2022 Product Specification  Download
36 IS 4115 : 1967 Methods for sampling of oil seeds 2020 Methods of tests  Download
37 IS 4276 : 2014 Soybean oil - Specification (Second Revision) 2019 Product Specification  Download
38 IS 4277 : 2014 Sunflower oil - Specification (Second Revision) 2019 Product Specification  Download
39 IS 435 : 1973 Specification for castor oil (Second Revision) 2020 Product Specification  Download
40 IS 4596 : 1968 Glossary of Terms Relating to Oil Expellers 2020 Terminology  Download
41 IS 4765 : 1975 Specification for neem kernel oil and depulped neem seed oil (First Revision) 2022 Product Specification  Download
42 IS 5223 : 1993 Oilseeds Milling Machinery - Oil Expellers - Test Code (First Revision) 2020 Methods of tests  Download
43 IS 5224 : 1993 Qilseeds Milling Machinery - Oil Expellers Single Barrel - Specification (Second Revision) 2020 Product Specification  Download
44 IS 542 : 2018 Coconut oil - Specification (Third Revision) 2023 Product Specification  Download
45 IS 543 : 2018 Cottonseed oil - Specification (Third Revision) 2023 Product Specification  Download
46 IS 544 : 2014 Groundnut oil - Specification (Third Revision) 2019 Product Specification  Download
47 IS 545 : 1984 Specification for mahua oil (Third Revision) 2022 Product Specification  Download
48 IS 546 : 2014 Mustard oil - Specification (Third Revision) 2019 Product Specification  Download
49 IS 547 : 2018 Sesame oil - Specification (Third Revision) 2023 Product Specification  Download
50 IS 548 : Part 2 : 1976 Methods of sampling and test for oils and fats: Part 2 purity test (Third Revision) 2020 Methods of tests  Download
51 IS 548 : Part 2 : Sec 9 : 1988 Methods of sampling and test for oil sand fats: Part 2 purity tests section 9 test for presence of karanja (pungam) oil in other oils (Fourth Revision) 2020 Methods of tests  Download
52 IS 548 : Part 2 : Sec 20 : 1983 Methods of sampling and tests for oils and fats: Part 2 purity tests: Sec 20 test for detection of taramira oil in mustard 2022 Methods of tests  Download
53 IS 548 : Part 2 : Sec 21 : 1988 Methods of sampling and tests for oils and fats: Part 2 purity tests: Sec 21 test for detection of animal fat in vegetable oils and fats and vlcHersa by GLC (Fourth Revision) 2020 Methods of tests  Download
54 IS 548 : Part 2 : Sec 22 : 1993 Methods of sampling and test for oils and fats: Part 2 purity test: Sec 22 detection of tricresyl phosphate in edible oil 2022 Methods of tests  Download
55 IS 5614 : 1980 Specification for tobacco - seed oil (First Revision) 2022 Product Specification  Download
56 IS 5637 : 1970 Specification for watermelon seed oil 2022 Product Specification  Download
57 IS 5638 : 1970 Specification for acid oil (Cottonseed And Groundnut) 2020 Product Specification  Download
58 IS 5686 : 1970 Code of practice for handling and storage of oilseeds 2020 Code of Practice  Download
59 IS 595 : 1954 Specification for blown rape (Or Mustard) oil for use in lubricants 2022 Product Specification  Download
60 IS 7375 : 1979 Specification for salseed fat (First Revision) 2022 Product Specification  Download
61 IS 75 : 1973 Specification for linseed oil, raw and refined (Second Revision) 2020 Product Specification  Download
62 IS 8323 : 2018 Palm oil - Specification (First Revision) 2023 Product Specification  Download
63 IS 8361 : 2014 Palmolein - Specification (First Revision) 2019 Product Specification  Download
64 IS 8591 : 1980 Specification for kokum fat (First Revision) 2022 Product Specification  Download
65 IS 887 : 1977 Specification for animal tallow (Second Revision) 2020 Methods of tests  Download
66 IS 8879 : 1980 Specification for dhupa fat (First Revision) 2022 Product Specification  Download
67 IS 8881 : 1978 Specification for khakan fat 2020 Product Specification  Download
68 IS 8896 : 1978 Specification for nahor oil 2020 Product Specification  Download
69 IS 9037 : 1979 Specification for peanut butter 2020 Product Specification  Download
70 IS 9071 : Part 1 : 1979 Code of practice for control of aflatoxin in groundnut: Part 1 harvesting, transport and storage of groundnuts 2022 Code of Practice  Download
71 IS 9071 : Part 2 : 1979 Code of practice for control of aflatoxin in groundnut: Part 2 plant storage and processing flour and oil 2022 Code of Practice  Download
72 IS 9231 : 1979 Specification for mango kernel fat 2022 Product Specification  Download
73 IS 9232 : 1979 Indian standard specification for ambadi oil 2020 Product Specification  Download
74 IS 9587 : 1980 Specification for tamarind kernel oil 2022 Product Specification  Download
75 IS 9955 : 1981 Specification for rubber seed oil 2022 Product Specification  Download
76 IS 9956 : 1981 Specification for palas oil 2022 Product Specification  Download
77 IS 9957 : 1981 Specification for undi oil 2022 Product Specification  Download