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Time is of essence. If the Standards are to be finalized for publication within a period of a year or less, it is imperative that the R&D Projects do not take more than three-four months to come out with the findings. This is possible only if the project size is small.

There is no ban on taking up projects with higher financial involvement. Hence, if the project is to be completed within a shorter timeframe, it can be split up, if possible, and awarded to more than one aspirant. The second option is to commission the project with a higher cost.

No. Small projects can be awarded on the basis of inviting proposals from a limited circle of TC members, academic institutions BIS has MoU with and the Working Group or its members. Large projects can be awarded through an open bidding system.

While making a standard, the TC may be faced with three scenarios - a. Adequate data and information required for it is available, b. Given the nature of the subject (scope, availability of literature, manufacturing base and user profile), it is possible to collect the required data and information by an individual BIS officer, TC member or faculty/research scholar within a timeframe of three months or less; and c. A lot of data and information are required to be collected..

The 1st scenario needs no AR or R&D, the 2bd scenario can be managed with an Action Research, and the 3rd will need a R&D Project.

TC will have to take a conscious call in respect of every new standard under development and standard under review.

Yes. The Member Secretary will take the approval of HoD for allowing need-based visits.

Yes. Surveys of User base, User Satisfaction etc. may provide inputs and insights of critical importance.

No. The proposal must come through the institution, unless the institution allows them to submit proposals directly.

In case, a proposal is received directly, it should be referred to the Chair Professor/Head of the institution for consent.

The international standards should be considered at par with other standards under development for all practical purposes.

A special meeting of the TC should be held in this scenario; and if for some unavoidable reason, Chairperson is not able to fix it, special meeting shall be convened with the approval of HoD, and one of the TC members, as decided by the members present, will chair the meeting.

A joint meeting of the TCs should be held and chaired jointly by the chairpersons.