PGD 04-Metal Forming Machines Sectional Committee


Naresh Gurudasani ()

SCOPE : Standardization in the field of various technical aspects of metal forming machines both by hot and cold processes and their machines (Presses, press brakes, shears, shear blades, moulds including plastic injection moulds, forging machines, nibs and dies for wire and tube drawing operations, aluminium diecasting dies, and their related tooling).
LIAISONS : ISO TC ISO/TC 29 / SC SC 8 - Tools for pressing and moulding - Observer (O)
Sr.No. Technical Committe TITLE TYPE COMPOSITION
1 PGD 04 : P1 Pressing Machines — Noise Emission — Requirement and Test Method Working Pannel View
2 PGD 04 : P2 Safety of Metal Forming Machines Working Pannel View
3 PGD 04 : P3 Tools for Pressing — Punches Working Pannel View
Date Location Detail
5th Feb 2025 India, New Delhi, Delhi, PGD 04 - Metal Forming Machines
21st Oct 2024 India, New Delhi, Delhi, PGD 04 - Metal Forming Machines