IS Title/आईएस शीर्षक:
Cereals and Cereal Products � Common wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) � Determination of Alveograph properties of dough at constant hydration from commercial or test flours and test milling methodology
Superseding IS/सुपरसीडिंग आईएस:
IS 12516 : Part 4 : 1996
Degree of Equivalence/समतुल्यता स्तर:
Identical under dual numbering
Number of Revisions/पुनरीक्षणों की संख्या:
New Standard
Number of Amendments/संशोधनों की संख्या:
No amendment issued
Methods of tests
Reaffirmation Year/पुनर्पुष्टि वर्ष:
No reaffirmation
Technical Department/तकनीकी विभाग:
FAD (Food and Agriculture Department)