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Important Indian Standards for Cement Products in Construction

Cement products like concrete masonry units, bricks, AAC blocks etc are widely used in various constructions. BIS sets the quality and safety requirements for these products. Some of the important Indian Standards are as follows:

IS 2572: 2005:- Specification for construction practices, installation, and testing of in-situ cement concrete lining for canals:  This standard lays down the requirements for material, mix proportioning, construction practices, join and reinforcement, testing of in-situ cement concrete lining for canals crucial for efficient water conveyance in irrigation and other water management systems.  Compliance to IS 2572:2005 is crucial for civil engineers and contractors involved in canal construction.

IS 2185(Part 3):2005:  Specification for autoclaved cellular (aerated) concrete blocks:   This standard lays down the requirements for dimensions, physical properties, and strength of aerated concrete blocks, ensuring uniform quality and performance. It promotes the use of eco-friendly materials, enhances thermal insulation, and reduces the overall weight of structures. By providing guidelines for testing and quality control, IS 2185 (Part 3): 2005 ensures reliable and safe construction practices, contributing to sustainable building development and improved structural efficiency.

Spread the News: Aluminium Utensils Now Require ISI Marking with BIS License

Starting from 1 Sep 2024, IS 1660:2009 Wrought Aluminium Utensils is under mandatory certification. Apart from this there are other products, Cookware, Utensils and Cans for foods and beverages are included in this quality control order as listed below:

14756:2022 Stainless Steel Utensils

1660:2009 Wrought Aluminium Utensils

13983:1994 Stainless Steel Sinks for Domestic Purposes

9396 (Part 1): 1987 Round Open Top Sanitary Cans for Foods and Drinks- Tinplate

14407:1996 Aluminium cans for beverage

Polished Building Stones - Granite and Similar Stones

Granite is a great aesthetic and structural component of constructions. Uniformity in grain size and uniform distribution of the constituent minerals generally control the colour, appearance, quality and the strength of the rock. Based on appearance and commercial utility, granites may be broadly classified as:

a) Black granites (mostly basic/ultrabasic igneous rocks having predominantly mafic minerals such as pyroxenes, amphibole, chlorite biotitie);

b) Red granites (mostly covers alkali granite);

c) Grey and multi-coloured granite (mostly cover calc-alkali granite);

d) Granite gneisses/metamorphic rocks (includes gneisses, migmatites, etc); and

e) Volcanic rocks (rhyolite, basalts, etc)

Further useful and interesting information can be obtained from IS 14223 (Part 1) : 2023 Polished Building Stones — Specification Part 1 Granite and Similar Stones

Versatile Solutions: Essential Bags for Cement, Food Grains, Sugar etc

Various bags are employed in the packing and storage of Cement, Food grains, and similar materials to ensure protection and ease of transport. Woven polypropylene (PP) bags are popular for cement due to their strength and durability, preventing leakage and contamination. Jute bags are traditional and eco-friendly options for storing grains, offering breathability and natural resistance to pests. High-density polyethylene (HDPE) bags are also used for their robustness and resistance to moisture. These bags ensure the safe, efficient storage and transportation of essential commodities. Here are some of the products for which compliance and certification as per Indian Standards is mandatory:

1. IS 12650:2018 Jute bags for packing 50 Kg foodgrains

2. IS 15138:2010 Jute bags for packing 50 Kg sugar

3. IS 15907 : 2010 High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) woven beds for vermiculture

4. IS 9755 : 2021 Textiles—High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) /Polypropylene (PP) Woven Sacks for Packaging Fertilizers

5. IS 11652 : 2017 Textiles — High Density Polyethylene (HDPE)/ Polypropylene (PP) Woven Sacks for Packaging of 50 kg Cement

6. IS 14968:2015 Textiles –High Density Polyethylene (HDPE)/ Polypropylene (PP) Woven Sacks for packaging 50 kilogram /25 kilogram Sugar

Please check for complete list of products under mandatory certification.

Elevating Hygiene, Aesthetics, and Quality: Indian Standards on Tiles

Tiles enhance hygiene in villages by providing easy-to-clean surfaces that resist mold, bacteria, and stains. Additionally, they improve aesthetics by adding colorful, visually appealing patterns and designs to homes and public spaces, creating a more pleasant living environment. Here are some of the Indian Standards developed on Tiles:

  • IS 1237: 2012 – Specification for Cement Concrete Flooring Tiles: This standard provides guidelines on material, manufacturing, dimensions, and testing procedures for cement concrete flooring tiles. These tiles are suitable for both indoor and outdoor flooring applications, making them a good choice for gram panchayat buildings like schools, community centers, or public health facilities.

  • IS 15622: 2017 - Specification for Pressed Ceramic Tiles: This standard outlines the requirements for material, manufacturing, dimensions, and testing of pressed ceramic tiles. These tiles are commonly used for walls, floors, and even external facades, making them suitable for various gram panchayat projects. The standard is particularly helpful for ensuring the tiles can withstand harsh weather conditions that might be prevalent in rural areas.

By following these BIS standards, gram panchayats can ensure they are selecting high-quality, durable tiles that are appropriate for their construction projects. This not only leads to stronger, longer-lasting buildings but also helps gram panchayats optimize their budgets by avoiding frequent repairs or replacements.

Ensure Helmets has ISI Marked on it before purchase. Using a helmet without this BIS certification is not only illegal but also puts your life at risk.

Road safety is a concern in Gram Panchayats, where highways pass through and vehicles move at high speeds. Also since the traffic signals are not common in Gram Panchayats, the unregulated traffic increases the risk of accidents. IS 4151 is Specification for protective helmets for two-wheeler riders. Here are some facts about Helmets.

  • Standards: BIS sets specific standards for helmets, covering aspects like shock absorption, penetration resistance, chin strap strength, and visor quality.
  • Testing: Manufacturers seeking ISI certification must get their helmets tested in BIS recognized labs to ensure they meet the set standards.
  • Certification: If a helmet passes the tests, the manufacturer receives the ISI mark for their product.
  • Monitoring: BIS can conduct random inspections of manufacturing facilities and market samples to ensure continued compliance with the standards.

By using an ISI marked helmet and BIS's efforts, you gain confidence that the helmet you wear has been rigorously tested and offers a good level of protection for your head.

Gram Panchayat Sensitization Programme at Kapkot Block, Bageshwar District

On 13 JUNE 2024 , a sensitization programme was conducted in KAPKOT Block, Bageshwar District , focusing on the activities of the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) and the importance of purchasing ISI marked products by panchayat. The programme aimed to educate the participants on the significance of quality standards and ensure that the Gram Panchayat procures certified products. It was discussed how the use of ISI marked products can enhance the quality of services provided by the panchayat.
Ensuring the purchase of certified products can prevent issues related to substandard goods. Procedure for Purchasing ISI Marked Products and how to identify and purchase ISI marked products were shared. Guidance was provided on verifying the authenticity of the ISI mark through BIS care app. Participants were encouraged to ask questions and share their experiences. The sensitization programme was successful in raising awareness about BIS activities and the importance of ISI marked products. The participants showed a keen interest in implementing these practices to ensure quality and safety in their panchayat operations. The session concluded with a commitment from the participants to prioritize ISI marked products in future procurements.

10,000 Standards Clubs: Nurturing Young Minds as Ambassadors of Quality and Standards

BIS has launched the initiative Standards Clubs across the country for creating a quality concious nation. BIS has achieved the target of 10,000 Standards Clubs with nearly 3 Lakh student members. These students are benifitting from exposure visits to industries, laboratories etc. and various engaging and rewarding Standards Club activities.

The Standards Clubs are formed in Schools for Class 9 to 12. And in Science Colleges, Professional Institutes, Engineering Colleges. Many Standards Clubs are in operation in IITs, and NITs.

Activities like Standards Writing Competition, Quiz Competition, Poster Making, Essay Writing, Debates on Standards, Presentation on Products as per Indian Standards etc. are carried out in these Standards Clubs.


Powering Gram Panchayats: Harnessing Biogas with Indian Standards

BIS has published an Indian Standard IS 9478 : 2023 DESIGN, CONSTRUCTION, INSTALLATION AND OPERATION OF BIOGAS (BIOMETHANE) PLANT — CODE OF PRACTICE which specifies the requirements for design, construction, installation and operation of small, medium and large sized biogas (biomethane) plants. It includes the classification of biogas plants on the basis of daily biogas production, included and excluded feedstocks for plant, plant performance parameters, different designs and materials for digesters and gas holders, and their construction.

This guideline helps gram panchayats build and use biogas plants, which turn organic waste into useful gas and fertilizer. It covers:

  1. Types of biogas plants for different needs:

    • Small (up to 25 cubic meters per day)
    • Medium (25 to 2,500 cubic meters per day)
    • Large (more than 2,500 cubic meters per day)
  2. Key parts of a biogas plant:

    • Digester
    • Gas storage unit
    • Inlet and outlet assembly
    • Mixing chamber
    • Gas distribution pipelines
  3. Updates in the revised Indian Standards include:

    • New designs for biogas plants
    • Use of materials other than cow dung
    • Different construction materials
    • Better performance and efficiency
    • Uses for the by-products, like enhanced organic fertilizers

Biogas plants provide a sustainable energy source and produce valuable fertilizer, helping with energy and farming needs.

Capsule Course on Solid Waste Management

Solid waste management in villages is crucial for maintaining environmental hygiene and public health. Effective waste segregation help in reducing waste that ends up in landfills. Community participation is essential, with villagers being educated on proper waste disposal methods and the benefits of maintaining cleanliness. Establishing structured waste collection and disposal systems, including regular pickups and proper landfill management, ensures sustainable waste management. Implementing these practices not only reduces pollution but also fosters a healthier and cleaner living environment for rural communities.

BIS is organizing a Capsule Course on Solid Waste Management on 21 Jun 2024. This is designed to provide information regarding methodologies for handling of different types of waste generated at various level. 

Some Indian Standards on Solid Waste Management:

IS 16557 : 2016 Solid Waste Management - Segregation, Collection and Utilization at Household/Community Level - Guidelines

Solid waste management is a mandatory duty of local civic bodies and municipalities in India. In rural areas, Gram Panchayats or similar bodies approved by the government are responsible. Unfortunately, this task is not performed well in many parts of the country, leading to health, sanitation, and environmental problems. As the population grows, these issues are worsening. It's crucial for everyone, including the public and civic workers handling waste, to understand their responsibilities. This understanding will help achieve goals of reuse and recycling, aiming for zero waste going to landfills. The standard outlines methods for managing different types of household and community waste and serves as a guide for solid waste management operations according to relevant rules.

Ensure Safe Drinking Water: Verify Potable Water Bottles with BIS Licence

The use of potable water bottles ensures access to safe and clean drinking water, crucial for the health and well-being of rural communities. These water bottles help prevent waterborne diseases by providing a reliable source of purified water. By promoting the use of BIS-certified water bottles, Gram Panchayats can enhance public health standards and boost community confidence in water safety. Recently BIS has mandated compulsory certification for few products related to Portable and Drinking Water containers.

IS 17803 : 2022 Potable Water Bottles (Copper, Stainless Steel, Aluminum) - This standard encompasses potable copper, stainless steel, and aluminium bottles designed for carrying drinking water. It excludes insulated and vacuum flasks. The specifications for vacuum insulated flasks are detailed in IS 17526:2021 - Stainless Steel Vacuum Flasks. The guidelines for insulated domestic use flasks are covered under IS 17790:2022 - Insulated Flask for Domestic UseIS 17569:2021 - Insulated Container for Food Storage is also covered under Compulsory Certification of BIS.

BIS ensures quality products for consumers through its compulsory certification by mandating stringent standards that manufacturers must meet, thereby guaranteeing product safety and reliability. This certification process involves rigorous testing and regular audits to maintain compliance, preventing substandard products from reaching the market. By making certification mandatory, BIS protects consumers from potential health and safety hazards, ensuring they receive high-quality, of various goods.

The authenticity of all these products can be verified by Licence number marked on the product through BIS Care App.

Step with Confidence: Verify Your Shoes, Sandals, and Chappals with the BIS Care App for Authentic Quality

Quality footwear is crucial for villagers as it provides essential protection against harsh terrains and extreme weather conditions, reducing the risk of injuries and infections. Durable shoes support long hours of labor, enhancing productivity and reducing fatigue. Quality sandals and chappals improve overall hygiene. Lastly, good footwear ensures comfort and mobility, contributing to the overall well-being and quality of life for villagers.

The Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) not only established specific standards for various types of footwear to ensure quality and safety, but also a Quality Control Order is issued for compulsory compliance of these products to these Indian Standards:

1.     IS 6721 - PVC Sandals: This standard specifies the requirements for PVC sandals, focusing on materials, design, and durability to ensure comfort and longevity.

2.     IS 10702 - Rubber Hawai Chappal: This standard outlines the criteria for rubber Hawai chappals, emphasizing slip resistance, durability, and comfort, suitable for casual use.

3.     IS 3735 - Canvas Shoes with Rubber Sole: This standard sets the guidelines for canvas shoes with rubber soles, ensuring flexibility, wear resistance, and proper bonding between the canvas and sole.

4.     IS 15844 (Part 1) - Sports Footwear for General Purpose: This part of the standard details the requirements for general-purpose sports footwear, focusing on performance, comfort, and safety during various physical activities.

5.     IS 17043 (Part 1) - Shoes for Services: This standard covers shoes designed for service personnel, ensuring durability, comfort, and protection suitable for prolonged use in various service environments.

6.     IS 17043 (Part 2) - Shoes for General Purpose: This part specifies the criteria for general-purpose shoes, focusing on everyday use, comfort, and longevity.

7.     IS 1989 (Part 1) - Leather Safety Boots and Shoes for Miners: This standard sets the guidelines for leather safety boots and shoes for miners, emphasizing protection, durability, and safety features necessary for harsh mining conditions.

Many other footwear are notified under Mandatory Certification of BIS. Complete list is available at

You may check authenticity of BIS Standard Mark on the footwear using BIS Care App.

Boosting Village Water Security: Indian Standards for efficiency and optimizing the output by Water Harvesting

India has developed comprehensive standards for water harvesting to optimize efficiency and output, recognizing the critical importance of sustainable water management. These standards, framed by the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS), encompass various aspects of water harvesting, from design to implementation and maintenance.

Various Indian Standards for rainwater harvesting offer guidelines on site selection, design, and construction of rainwater harvesting systems.

IS 14961 - Guidelines for rainwater harvesting in hilly areas by roof water collection system

IS 15797 - Roof top rainwater harvesting – Guidelines

IS 17676 (Part 1) Guidelines for the management of assets of water supply and wastewater systems Part 1: Drinking water distribution networks

Implementing Indian Standards IS 14961:2001, IS 15797:2008, and IS 17676 (Part 1):2021 in Indian villages can significantly enhance water management. IS 14961:2001 focuses on rainwater harvesting in hilly areas, guiding the collection of roof water to augment local water supplies. IS 15797:2008 provides comprehensive guidelines for rooftop rainwater harvesting, ensuring effective design, construction, and maintenance of systems. IS 17676 (Part 1):2021 addresses the management of water supply assets, crucial for maintaining efficient drinking water distribution. Adoption of these standards in villages promotes sustainable water use, increases water availability, and supports community resilience against water scarcity.

Plywood: Building Dreams, One Layer at a Time

Plywood holds significant importance in India due to its strength and cost-effectiveness. It is extensively used in the construction and furniture industries, serving as a crucial material for making doors, windows, partitions, and paneling. Its structural stability and strength are essential for manufacturing durable products. The widespread availability of plywood in different grades and finishes caters to diverse functional requirements.

The Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) is responsible for setting standards for various products, including plywood, in India. Plywood in India is primarily governed by the following standards:

  1. IS 303 - This standard specifies the requirements for general-purpose plywood suitable for various uses in construction, furniture, and packaging.

  2. IS 710  - This standard specifies the requirements for marine plywood, which is specifically designed to withstand moisture and is used in marine applications such as boat building.

  3. IS 1328  - This standard provides specifications for veneer-faced decorative plywood, which is used for aesthetic purposes in interior decoration and furniture.

  4. IS 4990 - This standard specifies the requirements for structural plywood, which is used in structural applications where strength and durability are essential, such as in roofing and flooring.

  5. IS 1659  - This standard provides specifications for film-faced plywood, which is plywood coated with a film (usually phenolic or melamine) to enhance its durability and resistance to moisture and chemicals. It's commonly used in formwork for concrete construction.

  6. IS 4990 - This standard specifies the requirements for blockboard, which is made from strips of wood sandwiched between two layers of veneer and is used in applications where strength and stability are crucial, such as in doors and partitions.

Are you sure about the quality of your Sprayer

To ensure effective pest management practices, sprayers ae very widely used. To ensure the quality and safety aspects of various sprayers Bureau of Indian Standards have developed many standards on knapsack sprayers, hydraulic sprayer, air-assisted sprayers etc. the important standards published are as follows :


IS 1970 : 2024 Hand-Operated Compression - Knapsack Sprayer:  This standard specifies material, performance, constructional and other requirements of hand operated compression knapsack sprayer (also called as mechanical sprayer), non-pressure retaining type used for spraying plant protection substances (for example pesticides).


IS 3652 : 1995 Crop Protection Equipment - Foot Sprayer: This standard specifies material, performance, constructional and other requirements of foot sprayer used for spraying pesticides. The sprayers of this type are normally used with an average working pressure of 600 kPa.


IS 1971 : 2023 Hand-Operated Stirrup-Type Sprayer : This standard specifies material, performance, constructional and other requirements of hand-operated stirrup type sprayer (also called as Mechanical Sprayer) used for spraying plant protection substances (for example, pesticides). The maximum working pressure of this type of sprayers is 400 kPa.


Apart from the above, we have published many standards related to various plant protection equipment, which may be accessed from at free of cost.

Organic Farming - Indian Standards

In the era of sustainable agriculture, Government of India is focusing on two sustainable practices; organic farming practices and natural farming practices. Bureau of Indian Standards has developed Indian Standard on organic farming in 2 parts catering to crop base and animal base. Further, the Indian standard on Natural farming is currently under wide circulation seeking comments from wider stakeholders. The details are as follows:


IS 16550 (Part 1) : 2016 Organic Production System and Labelling of Organically Produced Products Part 1 Crop Based : This standard covers the requirements for organic production system and labelling of products that are crop based, through the process of crop production up to packaging and transport of the final product.


IS 16550 (Part 2) : 2021 Organically produced food products - Part 2, Animal based : The standard covers the requirements for organic production system and labelling of products that are livestock based, through the process of livestock rearing up to packaging and transport of the final product.


Doc. No. FAD 22 (22873) Requirements on Farming Practices And Labelling of Naturally Produced Products - Natural Farming Production System : This standard covers the crop production requirements, soil and fertility management, nutrients management, pest management, contamination control, soil water conservation, processing and handling, storage, transportation, livestock management of natural farming production system. This standard also provides labelling requirements of products that are produced through the process of natural farming crop production up to packaging and transport of the final product.

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