Standards under Review Committee Wise

S No Technical Committee Committee Number Standards under Review
1. Surgical Instruments MHD-01 0
2. Orthopedic Instruments, Implants and Accessories MHD-02 0
3. Obstetric and Gynaecological Instruments and Appliances MHD-03 2
4. Ear, Nose, Throat and Head & Neck Surgery (ENT - H&N) Instruments MHD-04 0
5. Ophthalmic Instruments and Appliances MHD-05 4
6. Medical and Surgical Cardiology Equipment MHD-06 2
7. Neurosurgery Instruments Implants and Accessories MHD-07 0
8. Dentistry MHD-08 49
9. Artificial Limbs, Rehabilitation Appliances and Equipment for the Persons with Disability MHD-09 2
10. Medical Laboratory Instruments MHD- 10 0
11. Anesthetic, Resuscitation and Allied Equipment MHD- 11 0
12. Hospital Equipment and Surgical Disposable Products MHD- 12 14
13. Veterinary Hospital Planning and Surgical Instruments MHD- 13 0
14. Hospital Planning MHD- 14 1
15. Electromedical, Diagnostic Imaging and Radiotherapy Equipment MHD- 15 0
16. Health Informatics MHD- 17 2
17. In-vitro Diagnostic Medical Devices and Biological Evaluation of Medical Devices MHD- 19 4
18. Medical Biotechnology and Medical Nanotechnology MHD- 20 0
19. Hospital Biomedical Waste Management and Infection Control MHD- 21 0
20. Anatomy and Forensic Sciences Equipment MHD- 23 0
Total 80