BIS Talks on Ordinary Portland Cement

Ordinary Portland Cement are commonly used in pavements and sidewalks, reinforced concrete buildings, bridges, railway structures, tanks, reservoirs, culverts, sewers, water pipes and masonry units and lack of quality product is of major safety concern.…

BIS Talks on Standardization in Transport Engineering

BIS Talks on Standardization in Transport Engineering

BIS Talks on LPG Cylinder

Domestic LPG Cylinders are commonly used in every household and lack of quality product is of major safety concern. Domestic LPG cylinders are certified by BIS as per IS 3196(Part-1):2013. This video shows how Indian…

BIS Talks on Safety Footwear

Safety footwear is a vital personal protective equipment for workers in industries to protect their feet from accidents in hazardous conditions. This video explains the various stages of manufacturing and testing of safety footwear as…

BIS talks on Dunnage Pallet

Dunnage Pallet used in ware houses for storage of food grains is certified by Bureau of Indian Standards as per IS 13714: 1993 The Procedure for manufacture, testing and obtaining Certification licence for use of…

Changing Face of Conformity Assessment

Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) has been operating Conformity Assessment Schemes since 1955. Focussing on Skill, Scale and Speed, BIS has made changes in the Conformity Assessment Schemes with an ingenious blend of process re-engineering,…

BIS Talks on Mechanical Engineering

Mechanical Engineering Department is one of the most important departments of the Bureau of Indian Standards. It has formulated more than 1350 standards related to Mechanical Engineering. In the BIS Talk, we have broadly categorized…

BIS Talks on Hallmarking

Hallmarking scheme was started by BIS in the year 2000 to protect the consumer against adulteration and to obligate manufacturers to maintain legal standards of fineness. The two main pillars of the Hallmarking scheme are…

BIS Talks on Standardization of Medical devices

Medical devices and equipment play a vital role in diagnosis, monitoring and treatment of various kinds of medical conditions and thereby improving health and quality of life. Medical device standards are essential in ensuring their…

BIS Talks Standardization in the field of Management and Systems

BIS TALK on Management and System Division Council explains about many important standards formulated by BIS under this council. All the standards under this council are generic in nature and are applicable to all sectors.…

BIS Talks on Toys

The standardisation of manufacturing process is essential for the quality, performance and safety improvement purpose. BIS is performing this task promptly and scientifically so that the consumer is assured of the quality and safety of…

Last Updated on May 13, 2022



February 2025