SSD 03-Banking and Financial Services Sectional Committee


Shri Satyabrata Barua ()

LIAISONS : ISO TC 222 - Observer (O)
ISO TC 68 - Financial services - Principle (P)
ISO TC 68 / SC 2 - Financial Services, security - Principle (P)
ISO TC 68 / SC 2 - Encryption algorithms used in banking applications
ISO TC 68 / SC 2 - Security in retail banking
ISO TC 68 / SC 2 - Security aspects related to third party payment service providers (TPP’s)
ISO TC 68 / SC 2 - Security aspects of digital currencies
ISO TC 68 / SC 2 - Security aspects of code-scanning payment
ISO TC 68 / SC 2 - Public key infrastructure management for financial services
ISO TC 68 / SC 8 - Reference data for financial services - Principle (P)
ISO TC 68 / SC 8 - Digital Token Identifier – DTI
ISO TC 68 / SC 8 - Natural persons identifier
ISO TC 68 / SC 9 - Information exchange for financial services - Principle (P)
ISO TC 68 / SC 9 - ISO 20022 Semantic Models
ISO TC 68 / SC 9 - Revision of ISO 8583 and ISO 18245
ISO TC 68 / SC 9 - ISO 20022 Revision
Sr.No. Technical Committe TITLE TYPE COMPOSITION
1 SSD 03 : 1 Subcommittee on Financial Services, Security (based on ISO TC 68 SC 2) Sub Committee View
2 SSD 03 : 2 Subcommittee on Reference data for financial services (based on ISO TC 68 SC 8) and Information exchange for financial services (ISO TC 68 SC9) Sub Committee View
3 SSD 03 : 3 Information Exchange for financial Services Sub Committee View
4 SSD 03 : 4 Subcommittee on (ISO/TC 68 SC 2), (ISO/TC 68 SC 8) and (ISO/TC 68 SC9) Sub Committee View
5 SSD 03 : WG1 To Review Standard ISO 19092:2008 for Adoption as Indian Standard Working Group View
6 SSD 03 : WG2 Working Group on Safe banking practices Guidelines for customers Working Group View
7 SSD 03 : P1 Panel for FinTech and RegTech Working Pannel View
8 SSD 03 : P2 Panel on Insurance and Related Services Working Pannel View
Date Location Detail
7th Feb 2025 Virtual meeting SSD 03 - Banking and Financial Services
26th Nov 2024 Virtual meeting SSD 03 - Banking and Financial Services
29th Aug 2024 Virtual meeting SSD 03 - Banking and Financial Services