Standards Reviewed : SSD

S.No. Sectional Committee Standards Reaffirmed Standards Revised Standards Withdrawn
1 SSD 1 (Transport Services) 0 0 0
2 SSD 2 (Travel, Tourism and Hospitality Services) 8 1 1
3 SSD 3 (Banking and Financial Services) 18 23 22
4 SSD 4 (Higher Education, Skill Development and related Services) 1 0 1
5 SSD 5 (Health, Fitness & Sports Services) 0 0 0
6 SSD 6 (Preconstruction Services) 0 0 0
7 SSD 7 (Environmental Services ) 0 0 0
8 SSD 8 (Information and Communication Services) 0 0 0
9 SSD 9 (Business Services) 0 0 1
10 SSD 10 (IT & IT enabled Services) 0 0 0
11 SSD 11 (Retail, E-commerce & E payment Services Sectional Committee) 0 0 0
12 SSD 12 (Accounting and Finance Services Sectional Committee) 0 0 0
13 SSD 13 (Media and Entertainment Services Sectional Committee) 0 0 0
14 SSD 14 (Drinking Water Supply, Waste Water and Storm Water System Services Sectional Committee) 4 1 1
15 SSD 15 (School Education and related Services) 0 0 0
16 SSD 16 (Medical Value Travel Services and Wellness Services) 0 0 0
17 SSD 17 (Legal Services) 0 0 0
18 SSD 18 (Supply Chain Management Sectional Committee) 0 0 0
19 SSD 19 (Basic Standards on Services) 0 0 0
20 SSD 20 (Biodiversity Sectional Committee) 0 0 0
21 SSD 21 (Construction Execution Services) 0 0 0
22 SSD 22 (Post Construction Services) 0 0 0
23 SSD 23 (Cold Chain Logistics Sectional Committee) 0 0 0
Total 31 25 26