Indian Standard Details


IS Number : IS 2027 : 1992
ISO 631
Reviewed In : 2019
IS Title [Eng-Hn] : Spanners and sockets - Widths across flats (Third Revision)
No of Revision : 3
No of Amendments : 1
Technical Department : Production and General Engineering Department
Technical Committee : PGD 34 ( Hand Tools )
Language : English

Group : Gases, Gas Cylinders , Machine tools and other mechanical products
Sub Group: Hand tools and machine components
Sub Sub Group : General Hand Tools
Aspects: Product Specification
Ministry :
Short Commom Man's Title:
Degree of Equivalence: Not Equivalent
Identical/Equivalent Standards:ISO 691 : 2005
Organisation :

Indian Standards Refered In IS IS 2027 : 1992 :
SNo IS Number Title Technical Committee
IS 1367 : Part 2 : 2002 Technical supply conditions for threaded steel fasteners: Part 2 tolerances for fasteners - Bolts, screws, studs and nuts - Product grades a, b and c (Third Revision) PGD 37
International Standards Refered In IS 2027 : 1992
SNo International Standard Number
1 ISO 286 : 1 : 1988
2 ISO 286 : 2 : 1988
3 ISO 885 : 2000
4 ISO 965 : 3 : 1998
5 ISO 1101 : 2000
IS 2027 : 1992 is Refered in following Indian Standards :
SNo IS Number Title Technical Committee
1 IS 13078 : 1991 Pneumatic hose couplings - Specification PGD 8
2 IS 2028 : 2004 Open jaw wrenches (Spanners) - Specification (Fijih Revision) PGD 34
3 IS 2029 : 1998 Ring wrenches (Spanners) - Specification (Fourth Revision) PGD 34
4 IS 2030 : 1989 Box spanners - Specification (Second Revision) PGD 34
5 IS 5167 : 1981 Specification for punched open - Jaw wrenches (Spanners) (First Revision) PGD 34
6 IS 6129 : 1971 Specification for square box wrenches (Spanners) PGD 34
7 IS 6379 : 1989 Single ended ring wrenches (Spanners) - Specification (First Revision) PGD 34
8 IS 6389 : 1998 Combination wrenches with equal openings - Specification (Second Revision) PGD 34
9 IS 7381 : 1986 Specification for hand operated square drive socket wrenches (First Revision) PGD 34
10 IS 7939 : 1976 Specification for flare nut wrench, double ended, flat PGD 34
11 IS 11874 : 1986 Specification for . hexagonal socket offset wrenches PGD 34
12 IS 12453 : 1988 Specification for nut drivers PGD 34
13 IS 12521 : 2018 Assembly tool for screws and nuts - Four - Way socket wrenches - Dimensions and torque test (First Revision) PGD 34
14 IS 6130 : 1989 Single square socket tee wrenches (Spanners) - Specification PGD 34