Indian Standard Details


IS Number : IS 1234 : 1980
Reviewed In : 2022
IS Title [Eng-Hn] : Specification for ink, stencil, oil base, for marking porous surfaces (First Revision)
No of Revision : 1
No of Amendments : 1
Technical Department : Chemical Department
Technical Committee : CHD 14 ( Printing Inks Stationery And Allied Products )
Language : English

Group : Chemicals, Plastics and their Products including packaging and Environment
Sub Group: Chemicals
Sub Sub Group : General Industrial Chemiclas
Aspects: Product Specification
Ministry :
Short Commom Man's Title:
Degree of Equivalence: Indigenous
Identical/Equivalent Standards:
Organisation :

Indian Standards Refered In IS IS 1234 : 1980 :
SNo IS Number Title Technical Committee
IS 101 : Part 1 : Sec 1 : 1986 Methods of sampling and test for paints, varnishes and related products: Part 1 tests on liquid paints (General And Physical): Sec 1 sampling (Third Revision) CHD 20
IS 10106 : Part 3 : Sec 1 : 1984 Packaging: Part 3 ancilliary code materials section 1 cushioning materials TED 24
IS 264 : 2005 Nitric acid - Specification (Third Revision) CHD 1
IS 266 : 1993 Sulphuric acid - Specification (Third Revision) CHD 1
IS 336 : 2021 Ether - Specification (Third Revision) PCD 9
IS 1070 : 1992 Reagent grade water - Specification (Third Revision) CHD 13
IS 1448 : Part 66 : 1969 Methods of test for petroleum and its products [p:66] flash point (Open) and fire point by pensky martens apparatus PCD 1
International Standards Refered In IS 1234 : 1980 Standard contains no Cross Referenced International Standard.
IS 1234 : 1980 is Refered in following Indian Standards :
SNo IS Number Title Technical Committee
1 IS 2886 : 1991 Labelling paste for paper labels - Specification (First Revision) PCD 12
2 IS 7463 : 2004 Wheat flour for use in bakery industry - Specification (Second Revision) FAD 16
3 IS 10769 : 1984 Specification for Wheat porridge FAD 16
4 IS 10770 : 1984 Specification for beaten rice FAD 16
5 IS 7702 : 2012 Textiles – Determination of thickness of textiles and textile products (first revision) TXD 1