Liaison with International ISO Committees

S.No BIS Committee No. BIS Committee Title ISO Committee No. ISO Committee Title Role
1 CED-2 Cement And Concrete ISO TC 71 Concrete, reinforced concrete and pre-stressed concrete Participating
2 CED-2 Cement And Concrete ISO TC 71 Concrete materials terminology Participating
3 CED-2 Cement And Concrete ISO TC 71 / SC 1 Test methods for concrete Participating
4 CED-2 Cement And Concrete ISO TC 71 / SC 1 Test methods for aggregates Participating
5 CED-2 Cement And Concrete ISO TC 71 / SC 3 Concrete production and execution of concrete structures Participating
6 CED-2 Cement And Concrete ISO TC 71 / SC 3 Recycled aggregates for concrete Participating
7 CED-2 Cement And Concrete ISO TC 71 / SC 4 Performance requirements for structural concrete Participating
8 CED-2 Cement And Concrete ISO TC 71 / SC 4 Performance requirements for design standards on structural concrete Participating
9 CED-2 Cement And Concrete ISO TC 71 / SC 5 Simplified design standard for concrete structures Participating
10 CED-2 Cement And Concrete ISO TC 71 / SC 6 Non-traditional reinforcing materials for concrete structures Participating
11 CED-2 Cement And Concrete ISO TC 71 / SC 6 FRP material properties Participating
12 CED-2 Cement And Concrete ISO TC 71 / SC 7 Maintenance and repair of concrete structures Participating
13 CED-2 Cement And Concrete ISO TC 71 / SC 8 Environmental management for concrete and concrete structures Participating
14 CED-2 Cement And Concrete ISO TC 74 Cement and lime Participating
16 CED-3 Sanitary Appliances And Water Fittings ISO Water efficient products - Rating Participating
17 CED-5 Flooring, Wall Finishing And Roofing ISO TC 189 Ceramic tile Participating
18 CED-6 Stones ISO TC 327 Natural stones Participating
19 CED-6 Stones ISO TC 327 Terminology Participating
20 CED-6 Stones ISO TC 327 Test Methods Participating
21 CED-6 Stones ISO TC 328 Engineered stones Participating
22 CED-7 Structural Engineering And Structural Sections ISO TC 167 Steel and aluminium structures Participating
23 CED-9 Timber And Timber Stores ISO TC 218 Timber Observer
24 CED-9 Timber And Timber Stores ISO TC 287 Sustainable processes for wood and wood-based products Participating
25 CED-11 Doors, Windows And Shutter ISO TC 162 Doors, windows and curtain walling Participating
26 CED-12 Functional Requirements In Buildings ISO TC 43 Acoustics Observer
27 CED-12 Functional Requirements In Buildings ISO TC 43 / SC 2 Building acoustics Observer
28 CED-12 Functional Requirements In Buildings ISO TC 59 / SC 16 Accessibility and usability of the built environment Observer
29 CED-13 Building Construction Practices ISO TC 165 Timber structures Participating
30 CED-13 Building Construction Practices ISO TC 59 Buildings and civil engineering works Observer
31 CED-13 Building Construction Practices ISO TC 59 / SC 13 Organization and digitization of information about buildings and civil engineering works, including building information modelling (BIM) Observer
32 CED-13 Building Construction Practices ISO TC 59 / SC 2 Terminology and harmonization of languages Observer
33 CED-13 Building Construction Practices ISO TC 59 / SC 8 Sealants Observer
34 CED-15 Builder's Hardware ISO TC 136 Furniture Observer
35 CED-20 Wood And Other Lignocellulosic Products ISO TC 296 Bamboo and rattan Participating
36 CED-20 Wood And Other Lignocellulosic Products ISO TC 89 Wood-based panels Observer
37 CED-20 Wood And Other Lignocellulosic Products ISO TC 89 / SC 3 Plywood Observer
38 CED-22 Fire Fighting ISO TC 21 Equipment for fire protection and fire fighting Observer
39 CED-22 Fire Fighting ISO TC 21 / SC 11 Smoke and heat control systems and components Observer
40 CED-22 Fire Fighting ISO TC 21 / SC 2 Manually transportable fire extinguishers Observer
41 CED-22 Fire Fighting ISO TC 21 / SC 3 Fire detection and alarm systems Observer
42 CED-22 Fire Fighting ISO TC 21 / SC 5 Fixed firefighting systems using water Observer
43 CED-22 Fire Fighting ISO TC 21 / SC 6 Foam and powder media and firefighting systems using foam and powder Observer
44 CED-22 Fire Fighting ISO TC 21 / SC 8 Gaseous media and firefighting systems using gas Observer
45 CED-24 Public Health Engineering. ISO TC ISO/PC 305 Sustainable non-sewered sanitation systems Participating
46 CED-24 Public Health Engineering. ISO TC ISO/PC 305/WG 1 Sustainable non-sewered santitation systems Participating
47 CED-24 Public Health Engineering. ISO Community scale resource oriented sanitation treatment systems Observer
48 CED-32 Prefabricated Construction ISO TC 59 / SC 19 Prefabricated building Observer
49 CED-32 Prefabricated Construction ISO TC 59 Buildings and civil engineering works Observer
50 CED-36 Fire Safety ISO TC 92 Fire safety Participating
51 CED-36 Fire Safety ISO TC 92 / SC 1 Fire initiation and growth Observer
52 CED-36 Fire Safety ISO TC 92 / SC 1 Joint ISO/TC 92/SC 1 - ISO/TC 126 WG: Ignition propensity of cigarettes Observer
53 CED-36 Fire Safety ISO TC 92 / SC 2 Fire Resistance Observer
54 CED-36 Fire Safety ISO TC 92 / SC 3 Fire threat to people and environment Observer
55 CED-37 Structural Safety ISO TC 98 Bases for design of structures Participating
56 CED-37 Structural Safety ISO TC 98 / SC 1 Terminology and symbols Participating
57 CED-37 Structural Safety ISO TC 98 / SC 2 Reliability of structures Participating
58 CED-37 Structural Safety ISO TC 98 / SC 2 Design principles of seismically isolated structures Participating
59 CED-37 Structural Safety ISO TC 98 / SC 3 Loads, forces and other actions Participating
60 CED-37 Structural Safety ISO TC 98 / SC 3 Wind actions on structures Participating
61 CED-39 Earthquake Engineering ISO TC 98 / SC 3 Seismic actions on non structural components for building applications Participating
62 CED-43 Soil And Foundation Engineering ISO TC 182 Geotechnics Observer
63 CED-47 Ports And Harbours ISO TC 67 / SC 7 Offshore structures Observer
64 CED-50 Plastic Piping System ISO TC 138 Plastics pipes, fittings and valves for the transport of fluids Observer
65 CED-50 Plastic Piping System ISO TC 138 / SC 1 Plastics pipes and fittings for soil, waste and drainage (including land drainage) Observer
66 CED-50 Plastic Piping System ISO TC 138 / SC 2 Plastics pipes and fittings for water supplies Observer
67 CED-50 Plastic Piping System ISO TC 138 / SC 3 Plastics pipes and fittings for industrial applications Observer
68 CED-50 Plastic Piping System ISO TC 138 / SC 4 Plastics pipes and fittings for the supply of gaseous fuels Observer
69 CED-50 Plastic Piping System ISO TC 138 / SC 5 General properties of pipes, fittings and valves of plastic materials and their accessories -- Test methods and basic specifications Observer
70 CED-50 Plastic Piping System ISO TC 138 / SC 6 Reinforced plastics pipes and fittings for all applications Observer
71 CED-50 Plastic Piping System ISO TC 138 / SC 7 Valves and auxiliary equipment of plastics materials Observer
72 CED-51 Planning and Housing ISO TC 59 Buildings and civil engineering works Observer
73 CED-53 Cement Matrix Products ISO TC 77 Products in fibre reinforced cement Observer
74 CED-54 Concrete Reinforcement ISO TC 17 / SC 16 Steels for the reinforcement and prestressing of concrete Participating
75 CED-55 Sieves, Sieving And Other Sizing Methods ISO TC 24 Particle characterization including sieving Observer
76 CED-55 Sieves, Sieving And Other Sizing Methods ISO TC 24 / SC 4 Particle characterization Observer
77 CED-55 Sieves, Sieving And Other Sizing Methods ISO TC 24 / SC 8 Test sieves, sieving and industrial screens Participating
78 CED-59 Smart Cities Sectional Committee ISO TC 268 Sustainable cities and communities Participating
79 CED-59 Smart Cities Sectional Committee ISO TC 268 / SC 1 Smart community infrastructures Participating
80 CED-59 Smart Cities Sectional Committee ISO TC 268 / SC 1 Disaster risk reduction Participating
81 CED-59 Smart Cities Sectional Committee ISO TC 268 / SC 1 Utility tunnel Participating
82 CED-59 Smart Cities Sectional Committee ISO TC 268 / SC 2 Sustainable cities and communities - Sustainable mobility and transportation Participating
83 CED-59 Smart Cities Sectional Committee ISO TC 268 Management System Standards Participating
84 CED-59 Smart Cities Sectional Committee ISO TC 268 Risk Fiance Participating