Methods of sampling and test for paints, varnishes and related products : Part 1 tests on liquid paints (general and physical): Sec 1 sampling (Fourth Revision)
Methods of sampling and test for paints, varnishes and related products: Part 1 tests on liquid paints (general and physical): Sec 3 preparation of panels
Methods of sample and test for paints varnishes and related products : Part 1 test on liquid paints (general and physical) : Sec 5 consistency (Fourth Revision)
Methods of sampling and test for paints, varnishes and related products: Part 1 tests on liquid paints (general and physical): Sec 6 flash point (Third Revision)
Methods of sampling and test for paints, varnishes and related products: Part 2 test on liquid paints (chemical examination): Sec 2 volatile matter (Third Revision)
Methods of sampling and test for paints, varnishes and related products: Part 2 test on liquid paints (chemical examination): Sec 3 determination of volatile organic compound (VOC) content - Difference method
Methods of sampling and test for paints varnishes and related products: Part 4 optical tests: Sec 2 colour-visual comparison of colour of paints (Fourth Revision )
Methods of sampling and test for paints, varnishes and related products: Part 8 tests for pigments and other solids: Sec 4 phthalic anhydride (Fourth Revision)
Methods of sampling and test for paints varnishes and related products : Part 8 tests for pigments and other solids : Section 5 lead restriction Test (Fourth Revision)