IS Title/आईएस शीर्षक:
Geotextiles - Methods of test : Part 2 Determination of resistance to the exposure of ultraviolet light, moisture and heat (xenon-arc type apparatus) (first revision)
Superseding IS/सुपरसीडिंग आईएस:
IS 13162 : Part 2 : 1991
Degree of Equivalence/समतुल्यता स्तर:
Number of Revisions/पुनरीक्षणों की संख्या:
Number of Amendments/संशोधनों की संख्या:
No amendment issued
Methods of tests
Reaffirmation Year/पुनर्पुष्टि वर्ष:
No reaffirmation
Textiles – Tensile properties of fabrics – Part 1 Determination of maximum force and elongation at maximum force using the strip method (fourth revision)
Connectors for frequencies below 3 MHz for use with printed boards Part 3: Two-part connectors for printed boards having contacts spaced at 2.54 mm(0.100 in)centres and staggered terminations at that same spacing