S No Group Number Task Date of creation Time Frame No of Members
1. PCD 18 : WG01 - - 7
2. PCD 18 : WG02 - - 4
3. PCD 18 : WG03 To conclude the comments received on P-Draft and working group requested to submit recommendations to BIS. 11-09-2024 11-03-2025 3
4. PCD 18 : WG04 To conclude the comments received on the standard and working group was requested to submit recommendations to BIS. 11-09-2024 11-03-2025 4
5. PCD 18 : WG05 To review all parts of IS 13358 cultivation of aromatics plants code of practice 11-09-2024 11-03-2025 5
6. PCD 18 : WG06 To Prepare the working draft and to provide BIS. 11-09-2024 11-03-2025 6
7. PCD 18 : WG07 To formulate the Indian Standard, carry out a comprehensive study on the manufacturing of wet dhoop in India. 14-01-2025 30-04-2025 1
8. PCD 18 : WG08 Working Group for list of Permitted/Prohibited/Restricted Ingredients for use in Fragrances 14-01-2025 14-07-2025 10