S No Group Number Task Date of creation Time Frame No of Members
1. PCD 09 : WG02 To review the data and prepare working draft on Specification for Tetrahydrofuran 15-10-2024 15-04-2025 4
2. PCD 09 : WG03 To formulate a draft standard that prescribes requirements, method of tests and sampling for Hexylene Glycol 10-10-2024 10-01-2025 5
3. PCD 09 : WG04 To review the data and prepare working draft on Specification for Metaxylene 13-12-2024 31-12-2024 3
4. PCD 09 : WG05 To review the data and prepare working draft on Specification for Isophthalic acid 13-12-2024 31-12-2024 3
5. PCD 09 : WG06 To review the standards IS 321 and IS 323 and prepare their draft revision 15-10-2024 28-02-2024 6
6. PCD 09 : WG07 Review and prepare draft revision of IS 5573 : 1984 13-09-2024 31-03-2025 3
7. PCD 09 : WG08 To review the inputs as recieved from Godavari refineries and prepare draft revision of IS 6971 15-10-2024 30-04-2024 3
8. PCD 09 : WG9 Prepare working drafts on the specification of 2,4-Di TBP, 2,6-Di TBP, 0-TBP and p-TBP 14-07-2024 14-06-2025 3