S No Group Number Task Date of creation Time Frame No of Members
1. MTD 13 : P2 : WG1 For reviewing ISO 3084 and ISO 3085, and to acknowledge and address the documents of ISO WG-5 for the revision of ISO 3084 and ISO 3085 at ISO level. 15-09-2024 08-10-2024 0
2. MTD 13 : P3 : WG1 For the revision of IS 14795 : 2000 “Method for determination of clustering of iron oxide feedstock for direct reduction processes” and IS 11284: 1985 “Method Of Rotary Tube Test for Iron Bearing Materials for the Manufacture of Sponge Iron direct Reduced Iron DRI”. 15-09-2024 08-10-2024 9
3. MTD 13 : P3 : WG2 Formulation of indigenous standard on the angle of repose taking assistant from some of the international documents. 15-09-2024 08-10-2024 4
4. MTD 13 : P2 : WG3 As no Indian standard exists on the experimental methods for the evaluation of quality variation of iron ores and experimental methods for checking the precision of sampling, sample preparation and measurement of iron ores, hence working group will review the feasibility to adopt ISO 3084 and ISO 3085 as per the practices of the industries across India. 20-09-2024 31-08-2025 0
5. MTD 13 : WG04 To review IS 11897 “Guidelines for methods to be adopted for identifying the mineralogy of iron oxides; lump ores, sinters and pellets” and IS 12595 “Classification of terminology for exploration of mineral deposits”. 20-09-2024 31-08-2025 0