S No Group Number Task Date of creation Time Frame No of Members
1. MTD 09 : WG01 To review and revise the standards related to Zinc Alloy ingots for die castings(IS 713) and Zinc alloy die casting (IS742) 27-05-2024 27-05-2025 0
2. MTD 09 : P6 : WG1 To draft the standard for solder pastes and flux classification by studying the reports submitted by BIS intern and relevant international standards like IPC, IEC JIS etc keeping in view our current industrial practices. 19-11-2024 10-08-2025 0
3. MTD 09 : P2 : WG1 Formulation of new indigenous standard on CGG Zinc alloy ingots by reviewing the reports and rough draft submitted by BIS Intern and by taking assistance from relevant international standards like ASTM B852 and keeping in view the Indian industry requirements. 19-11-2024 15-08-2025 0
4. MTD 09 : WG02 Revision of IS 1921 : 2005 27-05-2024 27-05-2024 3