S No Group Number Task Date of creation Time Frame No of Members
1. MSD 06 : WG01 Post Project 22-10-2024 20-01-2025 0
2. MSD 06 : WG02 Review of Standards 03-02-2025 17-02-2026 1
3. MSD 06 : WG03 Review of IS 15306-4/ISO 12637-4 03-03-2025 14-01-2026 2
4. MSD 06 : WG04 This part of ISO 12637 defines a set of fundamental terms that can be used in the drafting of other International Standards for graphic technology. In order to facilitate their translation into other languages, the definitions are worded so as to avoid, where possible, any peculiarity attached to one language. The entries in this part of ISO 12637 are arranged alphabetically. 03-03-2025 03-03-2025 2
5. MSD 06 : WG05 Review of ISO/AWI 12636 03-03-2025 25-03-2026 2
6. MSD 06 : WG06 Review of ISO/CD 15930-9 03-03-2025 03-03-2026 2
7. MSD 06 : WG07 Review of ISO/CD 19303-1 03-03-2025 16-02-2026 2
8. MSD 06 : WG08 New Standard 03-02-2025 03-03-2025 3
9. MSD 06 : WG9 Review of ISO/TR 19311 03-03-2025 18-03-2026 2
10. MSD 06 : WG10 Review of ISO/NP 19313 03-03-2025 12-03-2026 2
11. MSD 06 : WG11 Review of ISO/AWI 23564 03-03-2025 22-01-2026 2