S No Group Number Task Date of creation Time Frame No of Members
1. MTD 06 : WG01 The working group is tasked with the revision of IS 8329 (Centrifugally cast (Spun) ductile iron pressure pipes for water, gas and sewage - Specification) 01-10-2024 31-08-2025 5
2. MTD 06 : WG02 The working group is tasked with the standardization in the field of Cast Iron Fittings/Joints 01-10-2024 31-08-2025 4
3. MTD 06 : WG03 Revision of IS 10207 01-10-2024 31-12-2025 1
4. MTD 06 : WG04 Working Group for Revision of IS 11606 01-10-2024 31-12-2025 1
5. MTD 06 : WG05 Working Group for Revision of IS 12988 01-10-2024 31-12-2025 1
6. MTD 06 : WG06 Working Group for Revision of IS 5789 01-10-2024 31-12-2025 1