S No Group Number Task Date of creation Time Frame No of Members
1. MSD 05 : WG01 Guidelines to provide the information services to Researchers 25-10-2024 31-10-2025 14
2. MSD 05 : WG02 Review of ISO Standards 25-10-2024 31-10-2025 8
3. MSD 05 : WG03 Working Group on Revision of "Devanagri script and Hindi spelling" 28-10-2024 31-10-2025 6
4. MSD 05 : WG04 To review of ISO 16340: 2023 & ISO 20415: 2019 03-03-2025 03-12-2025 6
5. MSD 05 : WG05 To Review ISO 23404 Under TC 46 03-03-2025 03-12-2025 4
6. MSD 05 : WG06 To review ISO/TR 19815 under TC 46 03-03-2025 03-12-2025 8
7. MSD 05 : WG07 To review ISO 18492 under TC 171 03-03-2025 03-12-2025 6
8. MSD 05 : WG08 Drafting of course on Policy & Standards in Library and Information Science 03-03-2025 03-12-2025 4
9. MSD 05 : WG9 Revision of IS 15339:2003 03-03-2025 03-12-2025 9
10. MSD 05 : WG10 BIS INTERNAL PANEL FOR THE REVISION OF IS 12 04-03-2025 04-12-2025 2