S No Group Number Task Date of creation Time Frame No of Members
1. MSD 02 : WG01 Investigation Procedures- Evolving mechanism for standardisation of Police Forces and Police Station 13-12-2024 01-01-2027 2
2. MSD 02 : WG02 To Formulate Indian Standards on Management System Guideline Requirements for Social Welfare Schemes and Conformity Assessment Requirements for bodies providing validation and verification of social welfare schemes 26-09-2024 30-10-2025 8
3. MSD 02 : WG04 To review and provide comments on ISO 9000 being revised at ISO 03-06-2024 03-06-2026 3
4. MSD 02 : WG05 To review the standard ISO 10015 being revised at ISO 13-01-2025 16-07-2026 2
5. MSD 02 : WG08 To review revision of ISO 9001 at ISO 03-06-2024 03-06-2026 3