S No Group Number Task Date of creation Time Frame No of Members
1. FAD 14 : WG01 - - 5
2. FAD 14 : WG02 To examine comments on P-draftsFAD 14 (24641) & FAD 14 (24640) on Hygienic conditions for PDW and PNMW units and give its recommendation to the committee. 20-11-2024 20-05-2025 6
3. FAD 14 : WG03 To review of maximum limit for Uranium specified in IS 10500: 2012, Drinking Water— Specification and give its recommendation to the committee 20-10-2024 20-05-2025 6
4. FAD 14 : WG04 To prepare working drafts for the revision of IS 1171 : 2011 – Ferromanganese — Specification (Fifth Revision) and IS 1470 : 2013 – Silicomanganese — Specification (Fourth Revision) 19-02-2024 - 9