S No Group Number Task Date of creation Time Frame No of Members
1. To revise IS 1171 & IS 1470 03-10-2024 03-10-2024 3
2. MTD 05 : P2 : WG1 Revision of IS 1170 - Ferrochromium - Specification 03-10-2024 03-10-2024 5
3. MTD 05 : WG01 Revision of IS 2021 18-05-2022 31-03-2025 4
4. MTD 05 : P3 : WG1 Formulation of standard on NPI 03-10-2024 03-10-2024 7
5. MTD 05 : P2 : WG2 Revision of IS 1171 & 1470 03-10-2024 03-10-2024 4
6. MTD 05 : WG02 Revision of IS 1171 Ferromanganese and IS 1470 Silicomanganese 19-02-2024 31-03-2025 6
7. MTD 05 : P3 : WG2 Revision of IS 1466 - Specification for ferrovanadium 03-10-2024 03-10-2024 5
8. MTD 05 : WG03 Revision of IS 1170 Ferrochromium 19-02-2024 31-03-2025 5
9. MTD 05 : P3 : WG3 Revision of IS 1469 - Ferromolybdenum - Specification 03-10-2024 03-10-2024 2
10. MTD 05 : WG04 Revision of IS 4182 - Specification for misch metal 19-02-2024 31-03-2025 2
11. MTD 05 : P3 : WG4 Revision of IS 1467 - Ferrotungsten - Specification 03-10-2024 03-10-2024 3
12. MTD 05 : P3 : WG5 Revision of IS 3013 - Ferroboron - Specification 03-10-2024 03-10-2024 3
13. Revision of IS 1110 Ferrosilicon 18-05-2024 31-03-2025 6
14. MTD 05 : WG06 Revision of IS 2301 - Metallic silicon - Specification 03-10-2024 03-10-2024 3