S No Group Number Task Date of creation Time Frame No of Members
1. MHD 13 : P1 : WG1 Preparation of working draft on Requirements for Veterinary Hospitals and Veterinary Super-specialty Hospitals (Small and Large Animals) 10-01-2025 09-01-2028 4
2. MHD 13 : WG01 Standardization in the field of Veterinary Hospitals 26-06-2024 25-06-2025 0
3. MHD 13 : P1 : WG2 Preparation of working draft on Requirements for Veterinary Clinics (Small Animals), Veterinary Dispensaries, and Veterinary Polyclinics. 10-01-2025 09-01-2028 4
4. MHD 13 : WG02 Revision of IS on Veterinary Castrator 26-06-2024 25-06-2025 0