S No Group Number Task Date of creation Time Frame No of Members
1. CHD 08 : WG01 - - 8
2. CHD 08 : WG02 To prepare the drafts for the following subjects i) For preparing the preliminary draft of Respiratory Protective Devices- Powered Filtering Devices incorporating helmet or hood- Requirements ii) For preparing the preliminary draft of Respiratory protective devices for self-rescue 14-11-2024 14-11-2023 8
3. CHD 08 : WG03 The scope of work for the panel on Hardness testing established by the Mechanical Testing of Metals Sectional Committee (MTD 3) of BIS, includes a comprehensive review of existing standards within its domain. The panel is tasked with recommending revisions, amendments, reaffirmation, or withdrawal of these standards, providing well-founded justifications for each action. It is also responsible for addressing industry inquiries, clarifying standards-related questions, and participating in voting on ISO ballots and ISO meetings pertinent to its domain. Additionally, the panel may undertake any supplementary tasks assigned by the committee as needed. 04-09-2024 04-09-2024 10