S No Group Number Scope of work Date of creation Time Frame No of Members
1. TXD 09 : P1 To deal with the Standardization activities such as formulation of working draft on new subject under standardization and review of published standards in the field of Nets made up of cordages. 18-12-2024 31-12-2025 0
2. TXD 09 : P2 To deal with the Standardization activities such as formulation of working draft on new subject under standardization and review of published standards in the field of fibre ropes of cordages. 18-12-2024 31-12-2025 0
3. TXD 09 : P3 To deal with the Standardization activities such as formulation of working draft on new subject under standardization and review of published standards in the field of Slings. 18-12-2024 31-12-2025 9