S No Group Number Scope of work Date of creation Time Frame No of Members
1. PCD 07 : P2 To revise the provision of Part 9 / section 3 under NBC regarding WG for Solid Waste Management 10-09-2024 20-12-2023 5
2. PCD 07 : P3 To review and provide the recommendations on the comments received on IS 16738. 29-08-2024 30-11-2024 6
3. PCD 07 : 6 : P4 Road Infrastructure analysis 20-11-2024 20-11-2025 5
4. PCD 07 : P5 To provide a working draft on recycled PET in food packaging. 29-08-2024 30-10-2024 8
5. PCD 07 : P6 - - 3
6. PCD 07 : P7 - - 1
7. PCD 07 : P8 - - 2
8. PCD 07 : P9 - - 2
9. PCD 07 : P10 To prepare/provide a) To prepare terms of reference (ToR) for round robin test/ Inter-lab comparison study on IS I 7899T : 2024 and suggest next course of action. b) To review the proposal received from MoEF&CC for colour coding of biodegradable and compostable plastic and provide feed back. 29-08-2024 30-11-2024 13
10. PCD 07 : P12 To revise the provision of Part 9 / section 1 under NBC regarding WG for Water Supply members 10-09-2024 20-12-2023 2
11. PCD 07 : P13 To revise the provision of Part 9 / section 2 under NBC regarding WG for Drainage and Sanitation 10-09-2024 20-12-2023 3