S No Group Number Scope of work Date of creation Time Frame No of Members
1. FAD 34 : P1 Agromclimatic zones, Sowing Window, Nano inputs Selection of Crop and Crop Rotation, Seed Selection Seed replacement. Selection, usage and mainteneance of machineries used for land preparation and sowing based on crop and soil type 16-12-2024 16-12-2024 10
2. FAD 34 : P2 Broad Aspects of Irrigation and Drainage, Irrigation Types and its suitability, quality of irrigated water, waste water utilization. Irrigation Systems and machinery 16-12-2024 16-12-2024 23
3. FAD 34 : P3 Soil nutrient status Soil productivity Soil Health, Integrated Nutrient Management, Reclamation of problematic soils, Fertilizer Best Management Practices 16-12-2024 16-12-2024 6
4. FAD 34 : P4 Plant protection Abiotic Stress Biotic Stress, Economically significant pests and diseases, pest and diseases of quarantine importance, regulatory framework, Technology integration for plant health management, Integrated Pest Management, Integrated Disease Management, Interculture and Weeding Operations 16-12-2024 16-12-2024 10
5. FAD 34 : P5 Harvesting & Threshing 07-01-2025 07-01-2025 7
6. FAD 34 : P6 Post-Harvest Management 07-01-2025 07-01-2025 9
7. FAD 34 : P8 Marketing linkages refer to the connections and relationships established between producers (such as farmers, artisans, or small-scale manufacturers) and markets where their products or services are sold. These linkages play a critical role in ensuring that goods reach consumers efficiently and at fair prices. Strong marketing linkages can improve economic opportunities, reduce wastage, and enhance value addition for producers. 16-12-2024 16-12-2024 6
8. FAD 34 : P11 To provide a comprehensive understanding of energy dynamics in agriculture, focusing on efficiency, sustainability, and policy frameworks. By integrating renewable energy solutions and advanced technologies, the agricultural sector can enhance productivity while reducing its environmental impact. 06-02-2025 06-02-2025 4