S No Group Number Scope of work Date of creation Time Frame No of Members
1. EED 01 : P1 Greenhouse gas and climate change management and related activities Scope: To deal with the standards emanating from ISO/TC 207/SC 7 Greenhouse Gas and Climate Change Management and Related Activities, To ensure effective participation of India at ISO/TC 207/SC 7. To develop generic Indian standards on CFP, GHG quantification and Carbon Neutrality for the purpose of development of sector-specific standards by respective TDs of BIS. To coordinate with sustainability coordination committee of BIS to identify the national goals on the scope of the subcommittee and to propose respective subjects to the committees of BIS. 01-11-2024 04-12-2024 17
2. EED 01 : P2 Environmental Management, Auditing and Life Cycle Analysis Subcommittee To deal with the standards emanating from: ISO/TC 207 Environmental Management, ISO/TC 207/SC 1 Environmental Management Systems, ISO/TC 207/SC 2 Environmental Auditing and related environmental investigations, ISO/TC 207/SC 4 Environmental Performance Evaluation, ISO/TC 207/SC 5 Life Cycle Assessment To develop Indian standard on Guides for implementing EMS in different sectors. 01-11-2024 04-12-2024 14
3. EED 01 : P3 Carbon dioxide capture, transportation, and geological storage Subcommittee Scope: To deal with the standards emanating from ISO/TC 265. Formulate Indian Standards related to Carbon Dioxide Capture, Storage and Transportation. 01-11-2024 04-12-2024 11
4. EED 01 : P4 Environmental Labeling To deal with the standards emanating from ISO/TC 207/SC 3. Formulate Indian Standards on Product Category Rules and Environmental Product Declarations. 11-09-2024 11-09-2024 6
5. EED 01 : P5 Circular Economy To develop National standards on Circular Economy To deal with standards emanating from ISO/TC 323 11-09-2024 11-09-2024 23
6. EED 01 : P6 Courses and Training 1.To identify and map the existing academic courses on GHG and Climate Management subjects with the relevant IS/ISO 14060 series of standards. 2. To suggest and formulate a curriculum for new courses on the subject incorporating the IS/ISO 14060 series of standards. 3. To identify the need for seminars/ webinars on related standards and prepare a plan for the same. 4. To suggest and identify other means of creating awareness and opportunities for engagement with the related stakeholders on IS/ISO 14060 series of standards.  11-09-2024 11-09-2024 15