S No Group Number Scope of work Date of creation Time Frame No of Members
1. WRD 30 : P1 Standardization of methods and processes for field investigations of dams aimed at maintenance and rehabilitation. 17-01-2025 17-01-2025 0
2. WRD 30 : P2 Standardization of materials used for the rehabilitation of dams including the selection criteria for materials and their physical and chemical properties. 17-01-2025 17-01-2025 0
3. WRD 30 : P3 Standardization of rehabilitation practices for concrete and masonry dams. 17-01-2025 17-01-2025 0
4. WRD 30 : P4 Standardization of rehabilitation practices for embankment dams. 17-01-2025 17-01-2025 0
5. WRD 30 : P5 Standardization of rehabilitation practices for appurtenant works of dams like spillways, Gates, Valves, etc. 17-01-2025 17-01-2025 0