S No Group Number Scope of work Date of creation Time Frame No of Members
1. LITD 37 : P1 The Panel is formed as a parallel unit to SC 43/WG 1 working on foundational standards such as Vocabulary, Reference Architecture. The panel is expected to work on the projects on this domain at the national and international level. 10-01-2025 10-01-2027 0
2. LITD 37 : P2 The Panel 2 is being created parallel to SC 43/WG 2 to work on the standards in this domain at the national and international level. 10-01-2025 10-05-2027 0
3. LITD 37 : P3 This panel is being created parallel to SC 43 /WG 3 to work on the standards in this domain at the national and international level. 10-01-2025 10-05-2027 0