S No Group Number Scope of work Date of creation Time Frame No of Members
1. SSD 19 : P1 Drafting Indian Standard on Panel meters 30-07-2021 01-07-2022 9
2. SSD 19 : P2 Development of Standardized Terminology on Fundamentals of Varmam 04-04-2024 31-12-2025 8
3. SSD 19 : P6 The working group will review all the standards referred to in IS 17055 (All Parts), identify those relevant to the committee's program of work, and then submit recommendations either to adopt these standards or to prepare indigenous standards. 25-06-2024 25-01-2025 4
4. SSD 19 : P7 Standardization of classification of services and generally used terminology in services 11-11-2024 24-10-2027 0
5. SSD 19 : P8 Standardization in the field of excellence in services and coordination with work of ISO/TC 312 – Excellence in Service as Participating member including voting on ISO documents 11-11-2024 24-11-2026 11