S No Group Number Scope of work Date of creation Time Frame No of Members
1. SSD 13 : 8 : P1 Harmonization of Indian Standards on Sampling and Physical tests for Dense and Insulating Shaped Refractories with ISO standards and for looking after documents prepared by ISO WG 32 (Test methods for dense shaped refractories) and participation in ISOTC 33/ WG 32 meetings. 15-09-2024 15-10-2025 8
2. SSD 13 : 6 : P1 - - 6
3. SSD 13 : 4 : P1 - - 7
4. SSD 13 : P1 - - 0
5. SSD 13 : 8 : P2 Method of tests for Refractory Mortars and Monolithics and for looking after documents prepared by ISO WG 27 (except refractory test Piece preparation via Gunning Techniques). 15-09-2024 08-10-2024 6
6. SSD 13 : P2 - - 14
7. SSD 13 : P3 Standardization in the field of Print Media Services 08-01-2025 31-03-2025 15
8. SSD 13 : P4 Standardization in the field of Radio Services 08-01-2025 31-03-2025 11
9. SSD 13 : P5 Standardization in the field of Event Management services including services related to pre event planning, operational activities, post event services, manpower training and skilling, quality and safety and other related aspects for various types of events like Weddings/ Social Event, Corporate Event, Corporate Activations, Large conferences, Government / Large Scale Public/Political Events, Rural, Marketing, Rural Events, Religious Events and Music Festivals/ Concerts and other events 21-12-2021 31-03-2025 11
10. SSD 13 : P6 Standardization in the field of new media services including websites, social media platforms, animation, gaming, virtual and augmented reality, blogs and others for aspects related to common terminology and definitions, technical parameters, contracts and content ownership, legal concerns, consumer related issues and other related aspects. 22-04-2021 31-03-2025 15
11. SSD 13 : P7 Standardization in the field of new media services including websites, social media platforms, animation, gaming, virtual and augmented reality, blogs and others for aspects related to common terminology and definitions, technical parameters, contracts and content ownership, legal concerns, consumer related issues and other related aspects. 02-01-2025 31-03-2026 26
12. SSD 13 : P8 Standardization in the field of sound and music services of the Media and Entertainment services sector 02-01-2025 31-03-2026 11
13. SSD 13 : P9 Standardization in the field of Advertising services 02-01-2025 31-03-2026 8
14. SSD 13 : P10 Standardization in the field of Television ratings 02-01-2025 31-03-2026 15
15. SSD 13 : P11 To create roadmap document for the committee SSD 13. 25-10-2024 31-03-2025 0
16. SSD 13 : P12 Working Group for list of Permitted/Prohibited/Restricted Ingredients for use in Fragrances 14-01-2025 14-07-2025 8
17. SSD 13 : P13 New Indian Standard on ‘Monitoring of Landslides’ 11-10-2024 11-10-2024 0