S No Group Number Scope of work Date of creation Time Frame No of Members
1. MTD 16 : P1 clarification on Indian standards pertaining to MTD16 11-02-2025 11-07-2026 7
2. MTD 16 : P2 - - 7
3. MTD 16 : P4 - - 9
4. MTD 16 : P6 - - 0
5. MTD 16 : P11 - - 3
6. MTD 16 : P15 The working group is tasked with the revision of IS 11714 : PART 1 to 5 (Specification for steel tubes for heat exchangers). 01-10-2024 31-07-2025 0
7. MTD 16 : P16 Working Group on Sustainable development in Housing 16-10-2024 16-10-2024 6
8. MTD 16 : P17 for revision of -IS 1848 (Part 1 & 2) 08-01-2025 08-07-2025 5