S No Group Number Scope of work Date of creation Time Frame No of Members
1. ETD 49 : P1 To prepare Indian Standard on intelligent and connected lighting system 23-06-2023 31-01-2025 4
2. ETD 49 : P2 To revise IS 1944 'Code of practice for lighting of public thoroughfares' 19-07-2023 31-12-2024 6
3. ETD 49 : P3 To revise IS 10322 series inline with latest practices 10-05-2024 31-01-2025 8
4. ETD 49 : P5 Revision of SP 72: NLC Part 5 Interior Illumination in relation to the requirements outlined in the revised draft of IS 3646 28-10-2024 31-01-2025 6