S No Group Number Scope of work Date of creation Time Frame No of Members
1. CHD 16 : P1 - - 5
2. CHD 16 : P2 To prepare draft standard for batteries used in drone applications 05-01-2024 05-08-2024 7
3. CHD 16 : P3 - - 5
4. CHD 16 : P4 Networking gear (box) at home for AAL users 20-12-2024 20-12-2024 7
5. CHD 16 : P5 Review of MED 10 Standards 30-12-2024 30-12-2024 8
6. CHD 16 : P7 Review of MED 23 Standards Panel 30-12-2024 30-12-2024 3
7. CHD 16 : P8 Assess whether the term “Toilet Soaps” can be replaced with more appropriate terminology to reduce consumer confusion. 06-01-2025 13-12-2024 5
8. CHD 16 : P9 To examine and propose Indian standard(s) for Liquid Detergent for Washing Machines (Top Load and Front Load)' 06-01-2025 06-01-2025 4
9. CHD 16 : P10 To revise IS 4051, IS 9559 , IS 2772 and IS 11333 07-01-2025 02-09-2025 3