S No Group Number Scope of work Date of creation Time Frame No of Members
1. LITD 22 : P2 To revise the provisions of Part 11 of NBC regarding Embodied Energy of Building Materials 28-03-2024 28-03-2024 6
2. LITD 22 : P3 To revise the provisions of Part 11 of NBC regarding Renewable Energy 28-03-2024 28-03-2024 13
3. LITD 22 : P4 Working group for Pedal Assembly 03-10-2024 31-03-2025 4
4. LITD 22 : P5 To revise the provisions of Part 4 of NBC regarding Smoke Management 19-01-2024 19-01-2024 10
5. LITD 22 : P6 Standardization in the field of "Oxygen Purity meter" 21-10-2024 21-10-2024 8
6. LITD 22 : P8 ******** 23-10-2024 23-10-2024 4