S No Group Number Scope of work Date of creation Time Frame No of Members
1. MED 14 : P8 The panel will review all pre-2000 standards and 5-year review standards related to terminology, classification, use, operation, and maintenance of various types of cranes and equipment. For the pre-2000 standards, the panel will either prepare a revision draft or decide to archive the standards with proper justification. Additionally, the panel will provide comments on existing WC drafts and prepare revision drafts for the 5-year review standards. They will also suggest new work items for the MED 07 committee. The panel’s recommendations will be discussed by the technical committee for further action. 18-05-2022 31-03-2025 8
2. MED 14 : P9 The panel will review all pre-2000 standards and 5-year review standards related to the test Method and Safety Aspect of Cranes and related Equipment. For the pre-2000 standards, the panel will either prepare a revision draft or decide to archive the standards with proper justification. Additionally, the panel will provide comments on existing WC drafts and prepare revision drafts for the 5-year review standards. They will also suggest new work items for the MED 14 committee. The panel’s recommendations will be discussed by the technical committee for further action. 06-02-2023 31-03-2026 7
3. MED 14 : P10 The Panel will look after the Ballots received from ISO and also repair India's viewpoint for future meetings of ISO/TC 96 and its subcommittees. 22-11-2023 31-03-2026 11
4. MED 14 : P11 The panel will review and submit the comments on the ballots received from ISO and prepare India's viewpoints for future meetings of ISO/TC 111, ISO/TC 111/SC 1, and ISO/TC 111/SC 3. 22-11-2023 31-03-2026 2
5. MED 14 : P12 This panel will address NWIPs, standards revision, and review of subjects for further development related to winches, lifting chains, sheaves, suspension gears, hooks, swivels, hoists, shackles, and other lifting appliances. 24-10-2024 24-10-2024 12