S No Group Number Scope of work Date of creation Time Frame No of Members
1. MSD 05 : P15 To prepare Preliminary Drafts (P-draft) on related to Homoeopathic Software. 17-05-2023 31-12-2025 5
2. MSD 05 : P18 - - 9
3. MSD 05 : P19 To prepare the working draft on Fishing Net - Marine fish cage for aqua-culture purpose 12-11-2024 25-12-2025 14
4. MSD 05 : P20 Panel for ISO/ TC 46 Information and documentation 21-08-2024 21-08-2024 4
5. MSD 05 : P21 Panel for ISO/ TC 154, Processes, data elements and documents in commerce, industry and administration 21-08-2024 21-08-2024 2
6. MSD 05 : P22 Panel for ISO/TC 171 Document management applications 21-08-2024 21-08-2024 2
7. MSD 05 : P23 Drafting of course on Policy & Standards in Library and Information Science 27-06-2024 27-08-2024 8
8. MSD 05 : P24 Review of ISO Standards 08-08-2024 20-09-2024 6