S No Group Number Scope of work Date of creation Time Frame No of Members
1. LITD 13 : P1 - - 8
2. LITD 13 : P2 Scope: To provide comprehensive methodology for Network maturity assessment covering: Process to understand Enterprise network goals, relevant network elements and needs, Network Elements maturity assessment process, establishment of opportunities for improvement. The proposal was presented to the Divisional Council of LITD during its meeting dated 24 June 2024, and considered the information as given above and the presentation delivered by the proposer Shri Amitabh Singhal, India Internet Foundation (IIFON). 05-09-2024 05-01-2030 7
3. LITD 13 : P3 Information & Communication Technologies & Architectures 06-01-2025 06-01-2025 8