S No Group Number Scope of work Date of creation Time Frame No of Members
1. MHD 12 : P1 - - 6
2. MHD 12 : P2 - - 5
3. MHD 12 : P3 Standardization in the field of Syringes, Needles and Ampules 19-08-2024 21-08-2029 0
4. MHD 12 : P4 Standardization in the field of Catheters 19-08-2024 21-08-2029 0
5. MHD 12 : P5 Standardization in the field of Sterilization for Healthcare Products 19-08-2024 21-08-2029 0
6. MHD 12 : P6 Standardization in the field of Infusion Equipment 19-08-2024 21-08-2029 0
7. MHD 12 : P7 Standardization in the field of Transfusion Equipment 19-08-2024 21-08-2029 0
8. MHD 12 : P8 Standardization in the field of Cold Chain Equipment 19-08-2023 21-08-2029 0
9. MHD 12 : P9 Standardization in the field of Medical Furniture 19-08-2024 21-08-2029 0