S No Group Number Scope of work Date of creation Time Frame No of Members
1. CHD 30 : P3  To look after the work of ISO TC/ 85 WG 1 Terminology, WG 3 Dosimetry for radiation processing and WG 4 Management Systems and conformity assessment.  Evaluate the feasibility of adopting ISO standards developed within these subject areas as Indian Standards.  Identify any areas within these subjects where gaps or deficiencies exist, necessitating the creation of Indigenous Indian Standards. For example, standards for personal TLD/OSL manufactures and deployment in fields, etc. CHD-30:SC-1 will also look into the following list of WGs under ISO/TC 85/SC 2: 1) ISO/TC 85/SC 2/WG 18 Biological and Physical retrospective dosimetry 2) ISO/TC 85/SC 2/WG 19 Individual monitoring and external radiation 3) ISO/TC 85/SC 2/WG 20 Illicit trafficking in radioactive material 4) ISO/TC 85/SC 2/WG 21 Dosimetry for exposures to cosmic radiation in civilian aircraft 5) ISO/TC 85/SC 2/WG 22 Dosimetry and related protocols in medical applications of ionizing radiation 6) ISO/TC 85/SC 2/WG 25 Radi 15-08-2023 15-12-2025 7
2. CHD 30 : P4 International i) To look after the work of ISO/TC 85/ SC 2 – Radiological Protection and ISO/TC 147/SC 3 Radioactivity Measurements in Water. The scopes of both the committees are given below; “SCOPE of ISO/TC 85/SC 2: Develops standards to protect: individuals (workers, patients, members of the public), the environment against all sources of ionizing radiations in planned, existing or emergency exposure situations linked to nuclear industry, medical applications, industrial activities, research activities and natural radiation sources (radon, cosmic radiation...)” “SCOPE of ISO/TC 147/SC 3: Standardization of radioactivity measurement used for the monitoring of waters (drinking waters including mineral waters and spring waters, surface waters, ground waters, sea waters and waste waters) for regulatory purposes, research, etc. The standards cover laboratory test methods, in situ measurements and on-line measurements, of any individual radionuclide of natural and artificial orig 15-01-2023 15-12-2025 7
3. CHD 30 : P5  To look after the work of ISO/TC 85/SC 5– Nuclear installations, processes and technology and ISO/TC 85/SC 6– Reactor Technology. The detailed scopes of both ISO subcommittees are as follows; SCOPE of ISO/TC 85/ SC 5: “Standardization and promotion of good practices associated with the planning, construction, operation and decommissioning of installations, processes and technologies involving radioactive materials. Nuclear installations, processes and technologies include: the Fuel Cycle, ex-reactor nuclear criticality safety, analytical methodologies, transport of radioactive materials, materials characterization, radioactive waste management and decommissioning” Excluded: specific enabling technologies and techniques for non-peaceful applications; sealed sources, radiation processing, nuclear power plants and research reactors (with regard to nuclear criticality safety while fuel is loaded in the reactor core)”. SCOPE of the ISO/TC 85/SC 6; the scope covers standardization in t 15-01-2023 15-12-2025 9
4. CHD 30 : P6 To formulate Indian Standards on applications of radioisotopes and radiation technology in industry, hydrology, healthcare, food and agriculture. The topics for formulation of standards with regards to industry include radiotracer technique, radiography, radiometry, tomography, nucleonic gauges and radiation processing. In isotope hydrology, the topics include application of various environmental isotope techniques for hydrological applications. In case of healthcare, the scope includes production of various cyclotron as well as reactor produces radioisotopes and radiopharmaceuticals, and application of radioisotope and radiation-based techniques for diagnosis and treatment. Other topics include radiation processing techniques for development of new and noble materials and application of radioisotope and radiation technology for food security. 15-12-2023 15-12-2025 10