S No Group Number Scope of work Date of creation Time Frame No of Members
1. CHD 25 : P1 To revise the provision of Part 8/Section 6 of NBC regarding Indoor and Outdoor Plants 02-08-2024 29-04-2024 9
2. CHD 25 : 2 : P1 IS 3748 : 2022 Tool steel - specification 27-11-2024 27-06-2025 6
3. CHD 25 : 2 : P2 Revision of IS 1170 - Ferrochromium - Specification 03-10-2024 03-10-2024 4
4. CHD 25 : P3 Working Group to revise the Part 11 of NBC 20-09-2024 20-09-2025 3
5. CHD 25 : P4 Indigenous standard on Labelling and Claims for the natural and organic cosmetics 23-09-2024 23-03-2025 9
6. CHD 25 : P5 Review of IS (Part 155): 2020 - Methods of test for petroleum and its products Part 155 Determination of trace nitrogen in liquid petroleum hydrocarbons by oxidative combustion with chemiluminescence detector. 30-10-2024 30-04-2025 4
7. CHD 25 : P6 Marine energy - Design requirements a. Conduct an extensive study and comparative analysis of existing literature, research papers, international standards, and any other published information. b. Evaluate the level of manufacturing bases in the country to understand the capabilities and quality of production facilities. c. Assess the testing infrastructure in the country to determine the availability and adequacy of facilities for conducting product testing and quality assurance. 05-10-2024 31-03-2025 5
8. CHD 25 : P7 Design and analysis of an Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC) Plant a. Conduct an extensive study and comparative analysis of existing literature, research papers, international standards, and any other published information. b. Evaluate the level of manufacturing bases in the country to understand the capabilities and quality of production facilities. c. Assess the testing infrastructure in the country to determine the availability and adequacy of facilities for conducting product testing and quality assurance. 05-10-2024 31-03-2025 5
9. CHD 25 : P8 Assessment of mooring system for marine energy converters MECS a. Conduct an extensive study and comparative analysis of existing literature, research papers, international standards, and any other published information. b. Evaluate the level of manufacturing bases in the country to understand the capabilities and quality of production facilities. c. Assess the testing infrastructure in the country to determine the availability and adequacy of facilities for conducting product testing and quality assurance. 05-10-2024 31-03-2025 4