S No Group Number Scope of work Date of creation Time Frame No of Members
1. CHD 25 : P1 To revise the provision of Part 8/Section 6 of NBC regarding Indoor and Outdoor Plants 02-08-2024 29-04-2024 9
2. CHD 25 : 2 : P1 IS 3748 : 2022 Tool steel - specification 27-11-2024 27-06-2025 6
3. CHD 25 : 2 : P2 Revision of IS 1170 - Ferrochromium - Specification 03-10-2024 03-10-2024 2
4. CHD 25 : P3 Working Group to revise the Part 11 of NBC 20-09-2024 20-09-2025 3
5. CHD 25 : P4 Indigenous standard on Labelling and Claims for the natural and organic cosmetics 23-09-2024 23-03-2025 9
6. CHD 25 : P5 Review of IS (Part 155): 2020 - Methods of test for petroleum and its products Part 155 Determination of trace nitrogen in liquid petroleum hydrocarbons by oxidative combustion with chemiluminescence detector. 30-10-2024 30-04-2025 4
7. CHD 25 : P6 - - 5
8. CHD 25 : P7 - - 5
9. CHD 25 : P8 - - 4