S No Group Number Scope of work Date of creation Time Frame No of Members
1. CHD 15 : P1 Revision of Indian Standards on Plastic Chairs 28-05-2024 28-05-2024 0
2. CHD 15 : P2 Revision of IS 3663 Dimensions of tables and chairs for office purposes 28-05-2024 28-05-2024 10
3. CHD 15 : P3 Working Group onSofa/Lounge/Multi seating Performance Standard 28-05-2024 28-05-2024 9
4. CHD 15 : P4 Ride Comfort 20-11-2024 20-11-2025 6
5. CHD 15 : P5 Airbags 20-11-2024 20-11-2025 4
6. CHD 15 : P6 Navigational, Communication equipments related standardization working group 26-11-2024 31-12-2026 5
7. CHD 15 : P7 working group to ascertain level of interest for major subjects under ISO/TC 126 26-11-2024 26-05-2025 6
8. CHD 15 : P8 Revision of IS 6911 : 2017 27-11-2024 27-05-2025 3
9. CHD 15 : P9 Revision of IS 12045 : 1987 27-11-2024 27-08-2025 7
10. CHD 15 : P10 To identify, prepare, review, discuss on working drafts on new subjects or emerging areas in the field of Textile Speciality Chemicals  12-11-2024 12-05-2025 3
11. CHD 15 : P11 Microbiological Media Ingredients Panel 15-07-2024 16-07-2029 5
12. CHD 15 : P12 To review and recommend revisions to IS 12795:2020. 06-01-2025 06-01-2025 7
13. CHD 15 : P13 Working Group for High Resilient Modulus Bitumen 14-01-2025 14-06-2025 15