S No Group Number Scope of work Date of creation Time Frame No of Members
1. MHD 04 : P4 To gave inputs for standards development related to Rhinology Department 16-07-2024 - 5
2. MHD 04 : P5 To gave inputs for standards development related to Head & Neck surgery Department 16-07-2024 - 6
3. MHD 04 : P6 To give inputs for standards development related to Laryngology (Thorat) Department 16-07-2024 - 3
4. MHD 04 : P7 Standardization in the field of Otology 06-12-2023 06-12-2030 9
5. MHD 04 : P8 To formulate code of practice standard addressing sustainability aspects for Steel Surgical Instruments 25-09-2024 25-09-2025 9