S No Group Number Scope of work Date of creation Time Frame No of Members
1. FAD 13 : P1 - - 11
2. FAD 13 : P3 Climatic Zonation of India for Building Design 17-10-2024 30-09-2026 8
3. FAD 13 : P4 To examine comments on P-draftsFAD 14 (24641) & FAD 14 (24640) on Hygienic conditions for PDW and PNMW units and give its recommendation to the committee. 20-11-2024 20-05-2025 5
4. FAD 13 : P5 To prepare Preliminary Drafts (P-draft) related to Nosodes, Sarcodes, etc., and examine & resolve the comments received on these Preliminary Drafts. 06-09-2024 06-09-2024 11