S No Group Number Task Date of creation Time Frame No of Members
1. WRD 01 : WG01 Revision of IS 3911 20-01-2023 31-12-2024 2
2. WRD 01 : WG02 Revision of IS 9118 20-01-2023 31-12-2024 4
3. WRD 01 : WG03 Revision of IS 15454 20-01-2023 31-12-2024 2
4. WRD 03 : WG01 - - 2
5. WRD 03 : WG02 - - 3
6. WRD 03 : WG03 - - 5
7. WRD 03 : WG04 - - 3
8. WRD 03 : WG05 Standardization of all aspects of groundwater resources, related investigations, water harvesting and recharge for ground water 29-11-2024 29-11-2024 4
9. WRD 05 : WG01 Standardization of criteria for choice of methods, investigations and testing of subsurface strata and recommendations for collection and presentation of data. 06-12-2024 06-12-2024 3
10. WRD 05 : WG02 Standardization of criteria for choice of methods, investigations and testing of subsurface strata and recommendations for collection and presentation of data. 06-12-2024 06-12-2024 4
11. WRD 05 : WG03 Revision of IS 6955 : 2008 05-03-2025 17-09-2026 0
12. WRD 06 : WG01 Improving Water Use Efficiency 02-10-2024 30-11-2024 2
13. WRD 06 : WG03 Piped Irrigation Network 03-10-2024 16-01-2025 4
14. WRD 06 : WG05 Canal Automation Panel 05-03-2025 23-06-2026 0
15. WRD 08 : WG02 Revision of IS 6066: 1994 Pressure Grouting of Rock Foundations in River Valley Projects – Recommendations. Preparation of a draft document based on the existing standard so that the draft can be used as a Preliminary draft for formulation of a new standard. 17-10-2024 17-10-2024 4
16. WRD 08 : WG01 Foundation treatment for barrages on gravelly and boundary reaches. Preparation of a draft document based on the existing literature and expertise so that the draft can be used as a Preliminary draft for formulation of a new standard. 17-10-2024 17-10-2024 5
17. WRD 09 : WG01 Review of IS 9296 : 2001 Inspection and maintenance of dams and appurtenant structures - Guidelines First Revision 27-10-2023 26-10-2025 3
18. WRD 09 : WG02 Review of standards on PVC water stops used at transverse contraction joints in masonry and concrete dams 27-10-2023 26-10-2025 2
19. WRD 09 : WG03 Review of IS 13551 : 1992 and IS 6512 : 2019 27-10-2023 26-10-2025 3
20. WRD 09 : WG04 Preparation of Guidelines for Design of Piano Key Weir 27-10-2023 26-10-2025 3
21. WRD 09 : WG05 Review of IS 7894 : 1975 Code of practice for stability analysis of earth dams 27-10-2023 26-10-2025 2
22. WRD 09 : WG06 Review of IS 12169 : 1987 Criteria for design of small embankment dams 27-10-2023 26-10-2025 2
23. WRD 09 : WG07 Preparation of guidelines for Dam Break Analysis 27-10-2023 26-10-2025 2
24. WRD 09 : WG08 The Committee Noted and deliberated on the comments received CWPRS. The Committee decided to circulate the documents as a P-draft among the member after incorporating all the comments received from CWPRS. The Committee further decided to constitute a Working group (WG-8) to review the P-draft after circulation. The Composition of the WG-8 is placed in Annex A. 21-10-2024 21-10-2026 2
25. WRD 12 : WG01 Preparation of a Working Draft of "Quality Assurance Plan" based on existing guidelines being used by various industry and regulators like NHPC, CWC and other existing literature. So that the draft can be used as a Preliminary draft for formulation of a new standard. 11-08-2023 31-12-2024 5
26. WRD 12 : WG02 Preparation of a working draft of "Recommendations for Structural Design Criteria for Stoplogs" based on existing guidelines, standards and other literature. The Group may also take help from the outcome of the R&D Project being taken up. So that the draft can be used as a Preliminary draft for formulation of a new standard. 11-08-2023 31-12-2024 7
27. WRD 12 : WG03 Automation of Radial Gates 06-03-2025 16-07-2030 0
28. WRD 14 : WG02 For preparation of revision draft of IS 9761: 1995 Hydropower intakes – Criteria for Hydraulic Design 30-05-2024 30-01-2025 0
29. WRD 14 : WG01 Reconciling the formulas in Annex D of the draft document for the Code Practice for Design of Tunnels Conveying Water Part 4: Structural Design of Concrete Lining in Rock (First Revision of IS 4080 Part 4 1971) 13-08-2024 15-01-2025 5
30. WRD 14 : WG03 Criteria for Structural Design of Penstocks Part 2 Buried/ Embedded Penstocks in Rocks {First Revision of S 11639 Part 2} 05-10-2024 09-01-2025 0
31. WRD 16 : WG01 WRD 16 : WG-01 Guidelines for Performance, Monitoring, and Surveillance of Hydraulic Structures based on existing guidelines, standards and other literature. The Group may also take help from the outcome of the R&D Project being taken up. So that the draft can be used as a Preliminary draft for formulation of a new standard. 17-10-2024 17-10-2024 5
32. WRD 21 : WG01 - - 4
33. WRD 23 : WG01 Revision of IS 11590:1995 Guidelines for working out unit rate of the construction equipment used for River Valley Projects Preparation of a working draft based on existing standard and other literature. So that the draft can be used as a Preliminary draft for formulation of a new standard. 17-10-2024 17-10-2024 5
34. WRD 24 : WG01 Standardization of Assessment of Environment & Socio-economic Impact Due to River Training Works 16-04-2024 30-04-2026 5
35. WRD 28 : WG01 To ensure effective and consistent use of gabions for coastal erosion control, standardization provides guidelines for materials, design, and construction practices. 13-03-2024 03-01-2025 8
36. WRD 28 : WG02 To provide consistent and effective methods for preventing sea water intrusion into coastal aquifers, ensuring sustainable water resources and protecting freshwater supplies. 13-03-2024 07-02-2025 6
37. WRD 28 : WG03 To provide consistent and effective approaches for preventing coastal hazards, ensuring safety, resilience, and sustainable management of coastal areas. 13-03-2024 07-02-2025 8
38. WRD 28 : WG04 The meeting of WG-4, part of the Coastal Zone Water Management Sectional Committee WRD 28, aimed to review and update guidelines and standards for coastal water management. 13-03-2024 07-02-2025 5
39. WRD 32 : WG01 Delineation and mapping of existing glacier and glacial lakes and potential lake sites 05-03-2025 05-10-2026 0
40. WRD 32 : WG02 Estimation of Glacial/Landslide Lake Volume 05-03-2025 09-08-2026 0