S No Group Number Group Name Member Secretary No of Members
1. WRD 01 : WG01 Revision of IS 3911: 1994 Surface floats - Functional requirements Mr. Ajay Meena 2
2. WRD 01 : WG02 Revision of IS 9118: 1979 Method for measurement of pressure Mr. Ajay Meena 4
3. WRD 01 : WG03 REVISION OF IS 15454:2004 ISO/TR 9823:1990 Liquid Flow Measurement in Open Channels – Velocity-Area Mr. Ajay Meena 2
4. WRD 03 : WG01 Revision of IS 15797 : 2008 & IS 15792 : 2008 Mr. Ajay Meena 2
5. WRD 03 : WG02 Hydrofracturing and Borewell Blasting Techniques Mr. Ajay Meena 3
6. WRD 03 : WG03 SPRINGS Mr. Ajay Meena 5
7. WRD 03 : WG04 Sub-Surface Dykes / Ground Water Dams – Guidelines Mr. Ajay Meena 3
8. WRD 09 : WG01 Composition of Working Group (WG-1) Mr. Vaibhav Jindal 3
9. WRD 09 : WG02 Composition of Working Group (WG-2) Mr. Vaibhav Jindal 2
10. WRD 09 : WG03 Composition of Working Gorup (WG-3) Mr. Vaibhav Jindal 3
11. WRD 09 : WG04 Composition of Working Group (WG-4) Mr. Vaibhav Jindal 3
12. WRD 09 : WG05 Composition of Working Group (WG-5) Mr. Vaibhav Jindal 2
13. WRD 09 : WG06 Working Group WRD 09 Mr. Vaibhav Jindal 2
14. WRD 09 : WG07 Working Group WRD 09 Mr. Vaibhav Jindal 2
15. WRD 12 : WG01 Quality Assurance Plan Mr. Vaibhav Yadav 4
16. WRD 12 : WG02 Recommendations for Structural Design Criteria for Stoplogs Mr. Vaibhav Yadav 7
17. WRD 14 : WG02 Working Group 2 WRD 14 Mr. Navdeep Yadav 7
18. WRD 16 : WG02 Canal Automation Mr. Vaibhav Yadav 4
19. WRD 21 : WG01 Revision of IS 10386 (Part 1) : 2013 Mr. Vaibhav Jindal 4
20. WRD 28 : WG01 Coastal Erosion Protection Using Gabions - Guidelines Mr. Navdeep Yadav 8
21. WRD 28 : WG02 Prevention of Sea Water Intrusion in Coastal Aquifers Mr. Navdeep Yadav 6
22. WRD 28 : WG03 Prevention of Coastal Hazards in Coastal Area - Guidelines Mr. Navdeep Yadav 8
23. WRD 28 : WG04 Meeting of WG-4, Coastal Zone Water Management Sectional Committee WRD 28 Mr. Navdeep Yadav 5