S No Group Number Task Date of creation Time Frame No of Members
1. TXD 01 : WG01 Preparation of Working draft for " Smoothness test for fabrics" 10-04-2024 30-04-2025 3
2. TXD 01 : WG03 This working group will work for formulation of Indian Standard or Review of published Indian Standard in the sector of Physical Characterization of Fabric under Physical Methods of Test Sectional Committee 19-11-2024 30-04-2025 9
3. TXD 03 : WG01 To discuss preliminary draft on Jute Shopping Bags 12-03-2024 12-12-2024 5
4. TXD 03 : WG02 Working Group to discuss the review of Standards/Pre-2000 Standards. 12-03-2024 12-12-2024 6
5. TXD 03 : WG03 Working group to review IS 16186 14-08-2024 24-04-2024 7
6. TXD 04 : WG03 To identify, prepare, review, discuss on working drafts on new subjects or emerging areas in the field of wool and wool products. 13-11-2024 13-05-2025 4
7. TXD 04 : WG04 To identify, prepare, review, discuss on working drafts on new subjects or emerging areas in the field of textiles floor coverings. 13-11-2024 13-05-2025 6
8. TXD 05 : WG01 Working Group to review IS 667 12-06-2024 12-12-2024 8
9. TXD 05 : WG02 Working group for analytical testing of harmful chemical substances - Test method of Disperse dye 23-10-2024 23-10-2025 3
10. TXD 07 : WG01 To identify, prepare, review, discuss on working drafts on new subjects or emerging areas in the field of Textile Speciality Chemicals  12-11-2024 12-05-2025 4
11. TXD 07 : WG02 To identify, prepare, review, discuss on working drafts on new subjects or emerging areas in the field of Textile Dyestuffs 12-11-2024 12-05-2025 6
12. TXD 09 : WG02 Preparation of Working draft for the new subject "Line Coir" 14-05-2024 31-01-2025 3
13. TXD 09 : WG03 Resolution of the comments received on IS 1912 : 2023 "Textiles - Jute Line - Specifications" 14-05-2024 31-01-2025 5
14. TXD 10 : WG01 To formulate Indian standards on Intimate undergarment hosiery apparel. 22-11-2024 31-01-2026 0
15. TXD 10 : WG02 To formulate Indian standards on outerwear hosiery apparel. 22-11-2024 31-01-2026 0
16. TXD 10 : WG03 To formulate Indian standards on Knitted fabrics. 22-11-2024 31-01-2026 0
17. TXD 20 : WG01 To formulate working draft for the Men's and women's woven garments focus on woven shirts, trousers, jackets, raincoats, ties, shorts, overcoats, windcheater 06-12-2024 30-10-2025 6
18. TXD 20 : WG02 to deliberate on the revision of made up items in TXD 20 : Tent standard, school bag, ground sheets, holdalls, Canvas water bucket, CHAGUL, haversacks 06-12-2024 31-08-2025 2
19. TXD 30 : WG04 To identify, prepare, review, discuss on working drafts on new subjects or emerging areas in the field of Geosynthetics for pavement and railways applications. 13-11-2024 13-05-2025 0
20. TXD 30 : WG05 To identify, prepare, review, discuss on working drafts on new subjects or emerging areas in the field of geosynthetics for water resources, flood control, coastal applications. 13-11-2024 13-05-2025 0
21. TXD 30 : WG06 ‘To identify, prepare, review, discuss on working drafts on new subjects or emerging areas in the field of geosynthetics for waste management, geohazard mitigation applications 13-11-2024 13-05-2025 0
22. TXD 31 : WG01 to study the requirements of +b and Rd for cotton fibres 26-12-2024 26-04-2025 0
23. TXD 32 : WG01 - - 0
24. TXD 32 : WG02 The P-draft of ECWC shall be deliberated again by the panel in the light of the comments received from M/s Ordinance Clothing Factory (OCF), Shahjahanpur 25-12-2024 26-06-2025 0
25. TXD 33 : WG01 Working Group for preparation of working draft on Industrial Nonwoven Wipes 15-03-2024 15-12-2024 6
26. TXD 33 : WG02 Working Group for preparation of working draft on non woven industrial filter fabric 26-07-2024 26-01-2025 10
27. TXD 33 : WG03 To prepare preliminary draft on Conveyor Belting Fabric 20-11-2024 07-11-2024 5
28. TXD 33 : WG04 To review of standards on Cotton Duck Canvas Awning and Tarpaulin under TXD 36 07-11-2024 07-05-2025 3
29. TXD 35 : WG01 - - 6
30. TXD 36 : WG01 Working Group to discuss the comments received on IS 5405 and IS 17514 and provide its recommendations for amendment 16-07-2024 16-01-2024 7
31. TXD 36 : WG02 Working Group for revision of IS 17334: 2019 Medical textiles – Surgical gowns and surgical drapes 13-09-2024 13-03-2025 5
32. TXD 36 : WG03 Working group for preparation of working draft on Sterlization wrap for Medical Textiles 23-12-2024 23-06-2024 3
33. TXD 38 : WG01 To develop the working draft of Polyester Tyre Cords 29-11-2024 25-12-2025 5
34. TXD 40 : WG01 To formulate Indian standard on different types of glass fibres based on the current market scenario/technological development in the field. 01-08-2024 31-07-2025 4